I bought a rototiller!

So I am re-doing my back yard and (soon) my front yard.
I knew I needed a rototiller. Because of the price of a rental ($100/day I had planned to buy a new Troybilt from Lowes, but for some reason checked Craiglist first.
I found a 4 HP rear tine Craftsman tiller for $325. Less what I would have paid in rentals.
About what I will put it back on the market for when I am done.
Craig’slist rocks!

Make sure to use it when none of your neighbors are around. Owning a rototiller is much like owning a pickup truck. Not only will they want to borrow it, they will want you to the work.

In my caffeine-deprived state I thought the title was 'I bought a rottweiler!.


I received my rototiller for our 9th anniversary and within two days my SIL borrowed it. unfarkingbeleiveable.
The only perverted pleasure I had from the experience was when I called her up to get it returned - she seemed to think that I would happily walk this behemoth from her house to mine (a little under 1/2 mile) at a rate of -25 mph. As my husband had walked it down to their house for her. ( God forbid she actually do something so tedious.)I made the comment of ‘well, you borrowed it, you return it.’

Ha! Did she walk it back over? Nahhhhh, she called you husband at work. Am I right?

Nope. She had her husband walk it back. ( I don’t get my husband involved. He’d take it over, do the job and five others and bring it back for her.) oh…my eye is twitching.

ha! and ha again!
So where is our OP? Maybe tilling up some blackberrie bushes three blocks away from home?

Did your SIL give it to you?

But regardless of who gave it to you, yeesh, what kind of anniversary gift is that?

What is it about rototillers, pickup trucks, ladders and table saws that bring out the “Hey, can I borrow that?” in people?

When I saw **I bought a rototiller! ** I was going to post ‘but German Shepards make better pets’. note to self: must post faster

Hey, can I borrow your dog?

Well, Hal did ask first. :wink:

Nothing finer than a tool with an engine. Enjoy :smiley:

You kidding? I would forgive ALL if my estranged would buy me a rototiller! And yeah, I’d let my neighbors know I had it and yeah I’d run it for them…maybe for free or for beer. I looooooouuurves me to rip into the earth and have that 4 hp craftsman leaping and bucking at arm’s length–could do it for hours–until all that’s left of the ground is knee-deep black fluff and worm-ends.

Yeah…a man ain’t a man without his 'tiller in his hands. Know wot I’m sayin?

I would rather have a rototiller as a gift than a stinky candle/glitzy jewelry/new outfit.

I’m defective that way.
( Of course, to get what I really want, all I have to say is, " I know what I would like for my Birthday this year… a love letter from you." Mwahahahahahahahahaha!

My husband gave me a look that was priceless and I cannot remember what the hell I got that year for a present, ( maybe a new dishwasher or it could have been the washer and dryer, all superb compared to the rock bottom discounted crap that we bought when were thought we were poor. not like now. and put price before quality.)

Being that I just had a new engine put in my truck, I shall rein in my reign of terror and not bring up the ‘i would like a love letter for my 40th birthday this year’ as it would be to cruel.

I’ll save it for our 14th anniversary and get to replace the stove ( which is a total piece of crap.)