My son and I both love coffee. All sorts of coffee, made in all sorts of ways. Regular drip, French press, cold brewed, you name it, we love it. So today I ran across a moka pot and thought how he might like one–he lost his French press when he moved, and maybe this would be just the thing.
I took it home and left it in the bag. Then I thought, probably shouldn’t leave it in the bag, it might get lost–I’d better set it there on the shelf. Eventually I realized I’d best open the box and make sure the instructions were intact. They were, but frankly they are not all that clearly written. I suggested to myself that I should remove it from the box and make sure I could understand and eventually explain how to use it. Finally, I realized: There is no way around the dilemma unless I try it out. (What dilemma, you wonder? Doesn’t matter. New coffee maker in room.)
So I tried it out, and here I sit with my steaming cup of coffee (or maybe it’s espresso?) an hour before bedtime and a new dilemma: Must shop for a new moka pot for my son for Christmas.
Overall, it’s a nice problem to have, I guess.
Moka pots are great. By strict definition it is not espresso, but if you’re not caught up in the semantics it makes some good strong stuff. I’ve used them for years and still have one somewhere in the kitchen. I think my favorite use is on the campfire.
Your son will live. And dare I guess probably would not be surprised at what happened?
My dad used a moka pot while camping for years. I found one at a garage sale years ago and decided to try it,makes good coffee, although a bit strong for my tastes. I’ve given moka pots as wedding gifts for coffee lovers that I know.
Protip: You know that fine mesh screen that fits into the base of the top half to keep the grounds from coming up into the brew? DO NOT forget to put that in. I made that mistake once, and the pot exploded, spewing coffee and grounds over the entire kitchen. My wife still talks about the mess.
Funny thing just happened…I sent son a pic of the moka pot and a text: Do you have a moka pot? His response was, “Where are you? We’re looking at them right now!”
So yep, looks like he’s definitely getting one for Christmas! It’s cool to be on the same wavelength with your kid sometimes.
They’re nice. Don’t leave it on the stove too long though, that rubber ring can melt.
What an incredibly kind, thoughtful, compassionate Mother who wants to insure her son’s happiness and satisfaction with a thoroughly inspected Christmas gift!