I burned my lower lip with lemon.

I consume lots and lots of spices. I tried eating lemons (their juice was in my tea) and I got a severe burn on my lower lip.:smack: Which medicine would work best?

It sounds like you may have a crack in your lip that got stung by the citric acid. Try swirling some milk around the area.

Thanks – already applying medicine to area.

Thank G-d I did not suffer a complication when I ate a tiny piece of a knife in 2011 – the tip got stuck in a raw turkey and it was cooked with the turkey.

Get some zinc oxide ointment. The kind in the baby aisle is fine (aka Desitin). That stuff works wonders on all sorts of skin irritation! Just be careful with it around your upholstery or nice clothes, because it’s white and a pain to clean off fabric.

Thank you. I am already using several over the counter creams – will get zinc oxide.

What did you try already?

I am using Abreva. And I am staying away from citrus products.

The Abreva’s probably not a bad idea if you are prone to cold sores. I don’t see why you couldn’t put zinc ointment right over it.

Thank you – I will. In general I have few health problems. I do eat lots of fried food.