I can't stand your face, celeb.

Ryan Gosling -is this really the face of one of the hottest men alive?

Then there’s Adrien Brody who, in spite of his very weird face, I still find sexy. No accounting for taste. :slight_smile:

Malcolm McDowell, at least in the old days. What a ham.

I think Ryan Gosling is the John Cusack of his generation. He’s character-actor attractive, but achieved leading-man status based on his role in one film which was important to a lot of young women when they were at an impressionable age or level of maturity (“Say Anything” for Cusack; “The Notebook” for Gosling).

Probably because she never moves any part of it, especially when she’s “acting.” As well as two very big other reasons.



Yep - I can’t stand watching her in ANYTHING - not a movie, not an awards show, not caught by paparatzi buying a slurpie.

Ugh. I want to slap the stupid look off her face every time I see her. I realize this is not rational.

She looks like someone is holding a small turd under her nose.

I almost choked when I read this, and again when I saw the picture.

Yet still too big for her brain.

This thread is shallow and mean-spirited. I’m loving it.

Add me to the Owen Wilson camp. Not sure if it’s his nose or his mouth that bugs me most.

Benicio Del Toro. I don’t get how anybody thinks this man is sexy. His face is ugly and he always looks like he needs a shower and a hair wash.

Pat Robertson(does he count as a celeb?) I can’t stand his weird ears and his bulging forehead and his voice. (And if you’re wondering why I ever even see him, we used to turn on “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” to go to sleep to, and the 700 Club was on right before it so occasionally I would switch over it a bit early, just in time to see him earnestly praying over some old woman’s bunions or digestive problems or something. I couldn’t change the channel fast enough).

John Travolta. I don’t like his smirky mouth or his jowly face. I didn’t think he was sexy back in the days of Vinnie Barbarino, and I still don’t.

I kinda used to have the problem with Brad Pitt, but he’s improved with age. I still don’t think he’s attractive, but I no longer think he’s ugly.

I always thought he looked like Brad Pitt, beaten with an ugly stick. You be the judge.

I have nothing to add, except that the Robin Tunney pic has scarred me for life.

Victoria Beckham.

She looks like evil incarnate, and I swear she never, ever smiles. She’s terribly into fashion and quite good at it, but she always has that sucked in cheeks overdone model look about her.

She seems so soulless because she never smiles.

What, you see something wrong with this picture? :slight_smile:

I noticed that too. I saw a clip of her at the recent royal wedding, and she looked like she was attending a funeral. She can’t be happy.

Gah, give that woman a BLT, stat!

No comment.

Another thing about Renee Zellwegger, and you’ll never not notice this once I tell you, is that every single time she shows up at an awards show, she’ll turn her back to the camera and then peek back at it over her shoulder. If there happens to be a shot of her not doing this, trust me, she just did it earlier, or was about to do it seconds later. Every single time. It drives me batshit.

Someone must have told her that it was her most flattering pose, although who knows why. Similar to how Paris Hilton always does this pose with her head tilted. Warning: Music!

Someone should have told her that it would be more flattering if she didn’t peek back at the camera at all.

Going back many years, Gloria Grahamme’s face always bugged me. I guess it was that long upper lip that never moved when she talked.

She was awesome as the Other Mother in Coraline, though.