I deservedly got fired today

OK, you’ve punished Achren enough! :smiley:

Hmmm, last year of college, sudden and uncharacteristic inability to get any of one’s shit together, still living at home…I’m guessing subconscious freak-out about becoming a fully independent adult. Self-defeating stuff like what you’re describing might be a defense mechanism against fear of failure. It happens sometimes. If you put yourself in a position where you never try to do something, you don’t have to worry about what happens when you can’t cut it. In this case, if you never have enough money to move out of the house, you never have to deal with the possibility of not being able to make it on your own.

What is your Major?

Hey, as long as you appreciate what you have, I gots no beef with ya. The one thing that just drives me batty is when people who have it spectacularly easy actually still find something to complain about, or act as if they’re owed everything they have. My only solace with people like that is that they’re going to get whacked silly with the world’s biggest clue by four when they finally enter the real world. You know, that big scary place where everything isn’t handed to them on a silver platter.

Your water glass story had that air of feeling as if you’re owed what you have about it. I’m glad that’s not the case though, you’ll be a lot better for it.

And for what it’s worth, I agree with CrazyCatLady, as well. Sounds like a little bit of fear induced self sabatoge to me. Don’t fall into that trap. Pick yourself up by your bootstraps and do what you have to do. A little bit of fear is not only healthy, but necessary for survival. If you get too comforatable, you’ll never really reach your full potential. Embrace the fear and make your most immediate goal to overcome it. Then, when you do overcome it, take another step forward and overcome that fear. And so on and so on.

Good luck.


Are you still registered at your college? If so, check out what counseling (and I don’t mean career) services they offer. CrazyCatLady may be spot-on (that wouldn’t be a first!). :slight_smile: OTOH, there could be something else lurking back there. In any case, unless your school is a (very) small private one, they almost certainly have some sort of counseling available. Take advantage of it! It’s funded by part of the tuition and fees your parents have been paying. It may take a bit of time to discover what’s behind all this, if it’s something other than CCL’s first thought. In any case, even if it’s Fear of Adulthood[sup]TM[/sup], counseling can help you work through it.

Good luck, and keep us posted.