I did it!, or, Vanyel finishes learning about Vanyel

Well, I finally finished them. Yep. Every one. All the books about Valdemar and related lands by Mercedes Lackey. And no, I’m not shay’a’chern, she’chorne, shaych, or whatever you want to call it–just powerful and heroic;) So, anyone else read these books? (Well, other than Herald Gwena, since I know she has)

raises hand

Now I’m waiting for the second book about Alberich’s life.

Yeah, I wanna find out details about him saving Selaney from her first husband’s assassination attempt! I was somewhat disappointed when Exile’s Honor stopped short of that…:frowning:

I wonder if anyone knows if Mercedes is gonna continue with her Valdemar series…What’s the latest? Owlsight?

Hi, my name is Quantum Butterfly, and I’m a Mercedes Lackey addict.

Hey Vanyel, how did you pick your username if you just now finished the Last Herald-Mage trilogy?

For all my fellow fans, I offer a linkety link: www.mercedeslackey.com She posts updates on upcoming books; IIRC, the second Alberich book should be out sometime this year.

QB, I actually just finished Owlknight; by Valdemaran reckoning, Last Herald-Mage is only the second trilogy, after Mage Wars. Also, I think they were the first ones I read from the library many many years ago.

Another book (or trilogy) I’d like to see would be about King Valdemar himself, and the founding. Characters have talked about it often enough, but only in general terms, and almost nothing of what led him to flee the Eastern Empire.

Now that I look at that link, I see you’re right, QB!

Ooh, and I hadn’t seen the Valdemar Short Story Collection (apparently different from Sword of Ice), which includes the story of how Talia got to be a Sun Priestess!

:smack: Sorry about the mistake. What can I say, it’s late.

Speaking of late, I’m off to bed for the night; I’ve gotta go to grandma’s tomorrow (well, today) to do yardwork, and I have to get up in 5½ hours…yikes!

Saaay, waitaminute…where’s my copy of The Fire Rose?!? One of you took it, didn’t you! It should be with the rest of the Lackey books, but as you can see in the picture link, it clearly isn’t! And I was just thinking about taking that one along for tomorrow night (I’m also sleeping over at grandma’s, along with Merla (my sister)). ::Vanyel runs off yelling and screaming, calling for the City Guard; suddenly remembers he’s the great Vanyel, and smites all those thieving, thieverly, thiefs!::

Hi. My name is Siege and I’m a Mercedes Lackey addict. Among my sins, I once gave a teenager a copy of The Oathbound. It was at an RG; I’d just finished it and she hadn’t.



I read online somewhere that she’s not planning on doing anything around the time of the Founding; she’d rather leave that as legend/history. But the $$$ may change her mind one day, who knows?

I’m dying for the next Alberich book. Isn’t it due out in a couple of months? I hate waiting for books!

Another fan checking in here. I’m waiting for Exile’s Valor, too–and I’m not going to be a nice uncle and let my niece read it first this time. I didn’t get to read my copy of Exile’s Honor until a week after I bought it–sheer torture!–because the little sneak finished it, then reread it without telling me. (Yes, she’s a serious fan, too. :slight_smile: )

Speaking of The Fire Rose, does anyone know when Phoenyx and Ashes is coming out? I didn’t see anything new about it on Lackey’s site.

I just started reading the Mage Winds trilogy again after being interrupted a few years ago (and then they were packed up into the attic). My god, they’re so good! (Yeah, I know, out of order, but I bought them on a whim at a used book sale-hardbacks, too!)

I want to read more about Darkwind and Elspeth! I love the Tayladras, especially their bond birds. Vree is so cute. I want a bond bird that talks to me in Mind Speech!

Ah. I just dug up proof of my Lackey-geekery. I recently posted a transcript of a conversation with a telemarketer in the Pit, and I’m going to reproduce it below. Some of you may not even need the (very rough) translations. :slight_smile:

B: “Zhai’elleva.” (“Wind to your wings.” A greeting.)
T: “May I speak to Mr. Balance?”
B: “Hai.” (“Yes.”)
T: “Yes, hello, Mr. Balance. I’m calling to see if I can interest you in blahblahblah…”
B: “Isda Ma’trix?” (“Have you seen The Matrix?”)
T: “Pardon me?”
B: “Nohs for’shava.” (“It’s very good.”)
T: “I don’t understand.”
B: “Ke’anu Corthu se shesti.” (“Keanu as The One is ridiculous, though.”)
B: “So’trekoth.” (“Gullible fool.”)

Obviously, the grammar is horribly mangled, but I remembered enough vocabulary to actually improvise conversation with it.

:smiley: ::giggling madly:: Oh man, I HAVE to try that sometime! Wonder if Lackey will ever work up a complete Shin’a’in or Tayledras dictionary and grammar, like Tolkien did for the various forms of elvish? That would so rock!

I could probably manage a short conversation like that in Shin’a’in, but I’m not quite as good at Tayledras. Anyone heard any of the songs from the books? I know I’ve read that you can get them, but I haven’t heard any myself.

Guinastasia, have you read the books about Darien yet? He is adopted by the Tayledras, so you can get your fill of Hawkbrothers!

No, just the Mage Winds. Like I said, it took me a while to get back to these. I will, hopefully.

So don’t spoil me!!! :smiley:

I’ve got the “Heralds, Harpers, and Havoc” CD, which has songs from the original trilogy, including “Threes”, “Dark and Stormy Night”, “Fundamentals” (the ground & center song), and two Sunsinger/Shadowdancer songs (“Meeting” and “Sun and Shadow”). I like most of the songs a lot.

Firebird Arts & Music sells the CDs. You can listen to some samples at Firebird’s Lackey music page. They also sell feather jewelry, t-shirts, Jody Lee art (though I rather prefer Larry Dixon’s illustrations), and assorted other Valdemar-related merchandise. I have a Silver Gryphon pin that I sometimes wear just to see who recognizes it.