I didn't have near enough frustration in my life, so I started to play Yathzee online

If that is possible then okay.

Nit-picking and technically speaking for 10[sup]600[/sup], no that is not truly random, but for all practical purposes it is.

375 is the highest, actually. You are slipping, Dopers! How is it nobody caught that and excoriated me?

Scored a 331 today. That was sweet!

I play chess online at chess.com. Not that often, only about 80 games or so. I don’t think anyone I’ve played is cheating. The system is pretty sophisticated, and has mods.

Mods, you say? Now, there’s an idea… (I’m done with playing “board games without an actual board”, for many of the reasons listed here, as well as toxic people).

But if a game claimed “We have Doper Mods! There’s a tuba, a diva, a banhammer, a miller, and… sparkly boots!” … then I’d sign up.

Once seeded the follow on numbers are totally predictable. A classic technique for debugging games is to start all tests with the same seed so you get the same sequence of “rolls” on every runthrough.