There I was, all set to make personal Scrabble history. My rack: ARTMUA? The middle-left triple-word score: wide open. Conveniently located at J2: The word VOWS.
I was going to triple-bingo. I was going to make TRAUMAS and that second A was going to turn VOWS into AVOWS. 86 points would be mine.
But then you had to go and play off the word FUN in row C. Take that F and make FOIL down the second column. YOU GOT IN MY WAY. You actually FOILed me.
Maybe I could still get away with it? TI is a word. If I clear my rack now the game is over. Maybe that little RL would slip by unnoticed? And hey, with the extra parallel letters I get three more points anyway. I went for it. It would have been a game-ending masterpiece.
But it was not to be. He challenged. My beautiful bingo flew off the board. I lost that game by seven points (302 to 309.)
I really suck at Scrabble.
[sub]Before you ask, no, I couldn’t move TRAUMAS down and use the first A on VOWS, because there was stuff in the way in the lower left corner.)[/sub]
The sheer impotent fury about being denied triple-digit points because some jabroni played “IT” is matched in intensity only by the glee of doing it to someone else.
does the DX chop
And if you ain’t down with that, we got DOUBLE WORD SCORES for ya!
You need to play me to set things up for you. I just foolishly put an R next to a triple word allowing my wife to play BRAZIERS for a triple-triple with the Z on the double letter for a magnificent 170 points - the most I have ever seen in one go.