You bingo-stealing bastard

There I was, all set to make personal Scrabble history. My rack: ARTMUA? The middle-left triple-word score: wide open. Conveniently located at J2: The word VOWS.

I was going to triple-bingo. I was going to make TRAUMAS and that second A was going to turn VOWS into AVOWS. 86 points would be mine.

But then you had to go and play off the word FUN in row C. Take that F and make FOIL down the second column. YOU GOT IN MY WAY. You actually FOILed me.

Maybe I could still get away with it? TI is a word. If I clear my rack now the game is over. Maybe that little RL would slip by unnoticed? And hey, with the extra parallel letters I get three more points anyway. I went for it. It would have been a game-ending masterpiece.

But it was not to be. He challenged. My beautiful bingo flew off the board. I lost that game by seven points (302 to 309.)

I really suck at Scrabble. :frowning:

[sub]Before you ask, no, I couldn’t move TRAUMAS down and use the first A on VOWS, because there was stuff in the way in the lower left corner.)[/sub]

Yeah, Scrabble can get infuriating…I haven’t played in a while.

Maybe I should pick it back up again.

You’re in for a world of hurt.

You should have played TAMARAU or TAMBURA. No, I’ve never heard of those either, but the handy-dandy Franklin SCR-226 worked them out.

The sheer impotent fury about being denied triple-digit points because some jabroni played “IT” is matched in intensity only by the glee of doing it to someone else. :smiley:

does the DX chop

And if you ain’t down with that, we got DOUBLE WORD SCORES for ya!

302, and you say you suck? I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a score that high, even with the game I spelled acetone.

You need to play me to set things up for you. I just foolishly put an R next to a triple word allowing my wife to play BRAZIERS for a triple-triple with the Z on the double letter for a magnificent 170 points - the most I have ever seen in one go.