I don't hate Nike anymore, and you'll never guess why.

Unless you live in Oregon, and then maybe you might.

Looking over the Wiki page for the American Family Association thanks to this thread: American Family Association bigots disrupt first-ever Hindu prayer in Senate - The BBQ Pit - Straight Dope Message Board , I discovered that they are/were organising a boycott of Nike.

Why, you might ask, would a conservative group oppose a company that makes sneakers?

Because the company came out in support of a bill allowing Civil Unions in Oregon. I can’t remember the last time I heard of a major corporation taking a political stance on something that didn’t directly affect their bottom line- other than withdrawing sponsorship from people who say something controversial, or whatever, which is generally done to avoid being the target of boycotts themselves.

Good for you, Nike.

Well, it’s something. While he was playing, I refused to buy anything Nike because of Michael Jordan. Now that he’s out of the picture (relatively speaking) I feel free to buy Nike products. This will only help it.

I’m afraid this news, while laudable, isn’t going to change my purchasing habits. Until Nike makes a sneaker that doesn’t evoke feelings of trying to remake me into a small footed Asian woman of ages past, I’m still not buying their product.
(I wear size 14 E shoes, and with some brands even that’s still too narrow.)

Did he do something? I’m rather out of the loop for sports stars.
As for Nike, that’s encouraging. I’ll keep it in mind next time I feel the need for a new pair of Chucks.

No, he didn’t. I just didn’t like him beating my team (sometimes) when he was playing. So, I made a mental note to say “fuck you, buddy”.

If you hated Nike before (presumably because of its sweatshop labor practices) I don’t see how its supporting gay rights would override the poor working conditions of its workers.

Well perhaps he hated Nike for their gaudy color schemes and this open support of gay rights is a promising step in the right direction to stop that.

I believe Proctor&Gamble came out in favor of same-sex unions as well, and were also boycotted by AFA or similar groups.

Yep one of the many boycotts AFA has tried and failed at.

Ford had a resent waffle concerning advertising in gay magazines. AFA boycotted them, Ford pulled the advertising, gay groups then boycotted them Ford put it back in and told AFA they weren’t worth satisfying.

Microsoft has been threatened multiple times with boycotts for their pro-gay policies. As they are comfortable with their monopolies they never respond.

Personally, as much as I’m into civil rights, it’s more important to me that Vietnamese workers get compensated better than $10 total for 65 hours a week than that American gays be able to get a civil union. (YMMV)

I can’t believe I have to point this out, but have you considered that they are making a stand on it precisely because it will not affect their bottom line?

The one social issue they can readily affect by changing their own policy, that of sweatshop and child labor that make their shoes and sports products, they are happy to ignore. Wonder why? Hmmmm…

If you are a person interested in human rights, I celebrate with you any small victory. But Nike cannot make right decades of unfair labor practices by paying lip service to a gay rights issue.

It seems they hope that throwing a bone to a domestic civil rights group will buy them a pass on oppressing people half way 'round the globe. Seems to be working. :dubious: :rolleyes:

Good work Nike? F#&%* you Nike.

Well domestic civil rights is a much more firmly established concept than universal civil rights. In my opinion we shouldn’t export our ideas of freedom along with our industry. Nike in Vietnam has to play by Vietnam’s rules and if the people of Vietnam don’t like it they can change the rules in Vietnam so that Nike cannot do whatever it is it’s doing. In fact, the entire implication is pretty racist. The entire third world is full to the brim of imbeciles incapable of taking care of themselves and their own countries? That’s a pretty fucked up implication.

Who said anything about the entire third world? I have been all over the world living with the poorest of the poor. I have been in slums built around Heinz Ketchup factories and shantitowns built around textile factories producing for The Gap and WalMart. I have much love for all people. It isn’t a racial issue. It is a human condition. There is enough guilt to go around from Third World governments to global companies to Madison Avenue marketing to the majority white American consumer. I try my best to remove myself from any role as oppressor. It ain’t easy in this world. One way I can do that is to avoid Nike, regardless of their stance on gay marriage.

So you’re admitting that you, one little consumer with your pittance of cash to spend on sneakers is sharing blame with multiple governments, multinational corporations, and the advertising industry in North America.

I wonder if your spending habits are really making a difference to anyone?

Good points raised in this thread.

True, the $30 I spend on sneakers is a drop in the bucket, but it is because of a thread like this that I chose a pair of New Balance (assembled, at least, in the US) instead of Nike last time I needed running shoes. I was influenced; others likely are as well. Word of mouth and recommendations are so much easier to find with internet forums and product reviews at hand online anytime.

I hear good things about http://www.nosweatapparel.com/

Not much. Certainly Nike doesn’t miss me.

But when I buy from fair trade companies struggling to stay in business and provide fair wages to their workers, maybe I matter a little.

I can provide you with tons of links of you want.

Links,please. Fewer than a ton, though.

What do you need a cite for, I’m a little confused. Universal civil rights include domestic civil rights, but I’m not sure what you’re getting at. All I was saying is that more people in country X will agree with the statement “People in country X should be paid at least Y” than the number of people who will agree with the statement “All people in the world should be paid at least Y”. My point being is that treating outsiders like crap has been a standard group behavior since before our ancestors had placentas and a couple of generations of liberal guilt isn’t going to make us any less likely to do so in the long run.

OK. I love Indigo.

American Apparel is funky.

Maggie’s is empowering people to attain a higher standard of living through FAIR work practices. Watch this video called ANT’S THAT MOVED MOUNTAINS and tell me that the people who choose to buy the clothes made by these women are not making a difference. I know you are busy, but give the video 8 minutes of your life.

I have been to small factories like these in El Salvador and Costa Rica. In 3 weeks I will be in a ghetto in San Jose, Costa Rica exploring the possibility of establishing a sewing co-operative there. You CAN make a difference.

You don’t have to punish Nike or any of the others. In fact if that is your goal, you probably are guaranteed to fail. But what you have to understand is that the choices you make with your purchases can POSITIVELY affect people.

I don’t avoid Nike because I think it will impact their sales, I simply make choices to support companies that I know are treating their employees fairly.

Has anyone here read up on recent labor conditions at Nike factories, or is everyone still coasting on information from 10 years ago?