I Don't Want To Be One Of *Those* Parents...

Very cute. I’d really like to bite her butt, but I know that’s reserved for parental units only.

Eh, he’s alright I guess. He already has a receding hairline! :smiley:

Oh, that’ a GIRL?!

Holy crap–you look alot like my brother! how weird is that?
she is adorable. Mine never had any hair for the longest time, either, but now they are all shaggy as can be.

How old is she now?
how long will she need the apnea monitor? (just curious)
I bet you’re sleep deprived–have you tried counting sheep?


Yes, very cute indeed. So sweet!

Now check out the Small Girl pictures:


Awwwwwwwwwww she is beautiful!

So, will there be a special ceremony at a later date where she’ll get her eyebrows?
I think I got mine around age 2.

Hey, Hal, great pic!

How much you want for her???

What a total cutie! She has the prettiest smile!

Great Pictures Hal.


Hey! That’s my shirt!! :eek:

Oh yeah, and cute kid. Really, she’s adorable! Remember that when she’s 12 & she can’t recall what you said to her 5 seconds ago, and her & her filthy friends are downstairs slopping ice cream & nail polish all over the house :wink:

[sub]No, I haven’t been exiled to my room tonight to sullenly browse the Dope…[/sub]

She’s a cutie alright! But then, I think all babies are adorable. :slight_smile:

Hal Briston, you should have named her Agnes. After Saint Agnes–


I wish I had edited that better.
Sorry, Hal.

Dang, I wish we could go back & edit posts. :o

Congrats Hal! she’s got quite the smile. Mine didn’t smile until she was 8 months old.