I will, or someone else will, if you don’t get out of the middle of the lane!
I realize that the designers of this parking lot, like 99% of their brethren since the dawn of the automobile, gave no thought to the fact that people, once out of their car, must walk to the store entrance. This generally requires you to walk in the traffic lane, and I’m generally OK with that, and will stop to allow you to cross, and all the other things that an alert driver will do. However, you should take a moment and think to yourself “does my route put me directly in the path of traffic?” If you’re walking down the side of the lane, close to the cars on other side, then your answer will be “no.” If you’re criss-crossing from one side to the other, or darting out from next to an SUV without looking, or walking down the center of the lane right in front of where cars turn in, then (1) you are impeding traffic; and (2) you’re increasing the likelihood of an inattentive driver hitting you. Now, I don’t want that to happen, and you don’t, and the inattentive driver doesn’t. So please, stay to the side and we’ll all be happy.
WalMart seems to be the Mecca of middle-of-the-lane walkers. Every time I have to go there for something, there are whole families strolling down the middle of the driving lanes at about 2 mph rubbernecking the parking lot like it’s the Magic Kingdom. I don’t make a fuss because I realize that WM is the Empire of the Idiots and these prime examples have probably hundreds of reinforcements within whistling distance.
I hate it when the “prime examples” see you, sees that you see them, but continue walking…as if if slow motion…in the middle of the lane. grrrrr :mad: Arrogant folks with entitlement issues!
I hate Wal-Mart parking lots. Besides the middle of the lane walkers, the place is chock full of drivers who camp out in the lane, waiting for the person who has a spot in the first 5 rows to get to their car, unload both carts, get the kid in the seat, and try to leave. More often than not, the waiting car is blocking the leaving car, and the whole thing turns into a giant clusterfuck. If the waiting car had just taken the open spot 15 rows up and walked in, they’d have been in and out before the parked car left, and so many of the worlds problems would be solved.