I emailed the Time Cube guy

It was much better when the background was white. :frowning:

So basicly you told him, that his was a unique subset of a group in which your unique subset also occurred, and both the subsets could be added together to form a unique subset of the original group defined by the term day, so his subset could not have originaly contained all of the individuals of the group in question. Is that right? :cool:

Can a mathematician please submit the proof in proper form and Mangetout can send him the mathematical proof.

I’ll go ahead and say it.

If I met this guy on the street, I would crush his cube face underneath my round tire.

Whew! I suffered though the first page and then gave up.

This is what happens to somebody when they over react to getting a 300 on the math section of the SAT.

What about near the poles, when it can be much longer than 24 hours from sundown to sundown?

(or doesn’t he believ that happens?)


Ok, its obvious he is a totally batshit insane lunatic. But what is he even trying to say? I’ve been trying to read his…ramblings for lack of a better word, and really don’t even get what he’s trying to get people to believe.

Quite so. :frowning:
I had forgotten how mad that site was. Now I am dying to know whther Mangetout gets a reply. (And, if Mangeout should somehow just vanish, I shall be very worried).

I think that’s properly: totally batshit insane lunatic[sup]3[/sup]

I think understanding of any sort requires the aid of certain pharmaceuticals. And possibly trepanation.

Besides Time Cube Guy and Jack Chick, who else is on the Doper List of Wackadoos?

Some time ago (several years, I think), I actually had a back and forth e-mail conversation with this guy… I think I was just bored or something. Anyway, it was particularly with regard to some of the obviously fallicious math on the page. He used to say pi != 3.14159… but that it equaled something like 0.76 because terminating numbers didn’t exist. He also changed how pi was used. Rather than doing a formula like Area = pi * r^2, it was Area = pi * (2r)^2. As it turned out, his “pi” was just pi divided by 4 and truncated and he’d adjusted the formula accordingly. My e-mails were short and to the point, but he was quick and verbose in his replies. Anyway, shortly thereafter, the whole part about his new pi “mysteriously” disappeared from the page. I think I also discussed the whole “arbitrary” number of 4 days, and their arbitrary choices. I guess that might be part of the cause of that one quote.

Of course, the best part was when he had a video up of him lecturing about the Time Cube in front of a group at MIT. I’m unsure if its still up, I’m not at home, and I don’t want to go to a site with that kind of language here. Anyway, I watched a good portion of him stumbling along. He was being asked mocking questions and getting laughed at, and yet he thought they were serious and that the laughter were at his terrible jokes. He was completely clueless.

As far as the question in the OP, I don’t expect you’ll get a response because he apparently preempted your question on his page when your only purpose in contacting him was to claim the reward. Because you’ve been “educated stupid”, if he does response will be curt. When the guy claims that ordinary mathematics fail to work because they don’t account for the Time Cube, and yet expects mathematic proofs… you won’t be getting anywhere with that line.


You Are Educated Stupid

I think Cubic, therefore I
rise above the singularity

To the** OP.**

Oh He Who Shills For Contagious Canine Skin Diseases,

Are there cultures that recognize both brunch and elevenses? Are they extraordinarily fat? Do they manage to get much done before tea?

Yr. Ob. Srvnt.

I Love You Madly

A. T. Tappman, Chaplain

I gathered that was likely the case.

Phelps for sure. This could make for a fun and interesting thread in IMHO. You should start one. :cool:

John Conner

Yes, completely anonymous.

Personally, I think he’s not insane, just the king of trolls. He goes on and on about how singularity bastards should be killed, but this is inconsistent with his behaviour in public - AFAIK, he has never come anywhere close to attacking anyone.

Then again, I suppose inconsistency might just be par for the course if he really is insane.

Well, what do you expect from someone who is convinced that machines made to look like humans have travelled back through time to kill him and his mother?

You’re too kind. I can’t even begin to parse what he’s trying to say. If anything.

It’s like, I recognize the words, but the way he diagrams a sentence makes it almost impossible to decipher the meaning.

Um, maybe it’s because I was educated stupid but I thought cubes were three-dimensional and had six sides. Does he explain anywhere how they lost two sides? My poor stupid-educated brain couldn’t handle all that giant text so I didn’t get very far at all.

From what I’ve seen, I’ve got to give him kudos for apparently knowing how to spell properly.

Have you ever seen a paper mache’ bust made of newsprint and paste before it’s all painted? That’s what this guy’s thought process looks like. It’s beyond stream-of-consciousness, it’s like all of his thoughts got horny and started humping the everliving crap out of each other in a giant twitching neuronal dogpile until this explosive tangle of verbal ejaculate spilled out onto his keyboard.

I’m going to discontinue this line of thought, because it frightens me.