I Envy People Who...

…are organized
…have enough money to not worry about it
…can fart on command
…can sing
Anyone else?

I can fart on command, but I can’t sing.

I envy people who understand math, and spatial relationships.

…can fart on command, while singing! :smiley:

Can sing
Understand math
Can be outgoing
And lots of other stuff, but I can’t think of anything else.

. . . are beautiful.
. . . can swim.
. . . are confident.
. . . are my friend Julia, because she’s significantly prettier and smarter than me.
. . . look good with really short or really long hair.

…have jobs that entail international travel.

…That live with or near their SO’s. Sniff

…that are uncircumsized!

…can play a musical instrument
…can play several musical instruments

  • can be spontaneously, joyously outgoing. My best pal can talk to walls! No one is a stranger to her. I tag along, smile and nod a lot. What a wonderful gift!
  • can wake up in the morning and see; I can’t even remember it. Was gearing up for LASIK eye surgery, then had to buy a new furnace. Maybe next year…
  • math whizzes, who understand numbers the way I understand words. Odd, that. Took language for me to understand that I’m near-“innumerate”. Worlds of beauty and meaning out there, and my brain just doesn’t see anything but drudgery.


*Originally posted by TVeblen *

  • math whizzes, who understand numbers the way I understand words. Odd, that. Took language for me to understand that I’m near-“innumerate”. Worlds of beauty and meaning out there, and my brain just doesn’t see anything but drudgery.

Innumerate. Great word, TVeblen. (I’ll give you proper credit whenever I use it.)

…are free of chronic physical pain. I’d like to have a month, or even a week, where I actually felt good every single day.

Wish I could claim it, AuntiePam! It was a term coined by Paulos (I think); a great writer who understood words as well as math. (Great writer=translating concepts into words.)

Smacked me upside the chops that facile, “Oh, I just don’t have the mind for that!”–i.e. math–was just as crippling as illiteracy. And as crippling.

Don’t mean to dump cold water on your head, but don’t want to claim someone else’s insight for my own either.

Aware number idiot,

Don’t worry about cold water here. It actually makes me feel better about this failing to know that enough other people suffer from it to justify it having its own term.

How’s that for mangled syntax? I’m illiterate too!

Is there help for innumeracy? Or are we doomed?

Outgoing people
People that don’t have to worry about money all the time
People with the ability to not procrastinate
People who are attractive

who can act
who can sing
who are charming
who have the ability to attract anyone
who are genuinely happy with their life

…are in happy relationships.
…are comfortable with themselves.
…who aren’t obsessed, compulsive, or paranoid…there must be SOME, don’t you think??
…who know how to say, ‘no’ and not get mad to be able to say it.
…can fix their own cars, plumbing, or electrical items.
…who still have good knees!! :wink:

You know, I’m reasonably good with numbers (at least enough to get into grad school for physical sciences) and I’d much rather be good with people and words.

…maintain their optimism and ideals of youth
…can draw, paint, or sculpt
…live where it snows a lot
…don’t get tongue-tied around attractive women
…are experts at bridge
…have miles of woods around their homes and the time to walk through them
…understand quantum physics
…have climbed Mount Everest
…have photographic memory
…understand what the heck is going on