I fear we won't see gabriela again

I always think of her when I see commercials for Dr G Medical Examiner.

And I don’t think we’ll ever have another doper who will happily answer a question about the size of an eye socket by actually measuring one for us.

I never doubted her legitimacy or medical credentials.

Not that I ever delved into proving she was legit, but she came across as being very legit, her posts were pretty accurate from a medical standpoint, and I miss her!

I missed any drama over her credentials.

I seem to miss most of the drama on this board. I just post my stuff and move on.

Of all the people on this board of whom I would have expected to be a drama queen. :wink:

I’m sure none of the medically savy Dopers called her out. I found her very acurate. I even pulled out Gray’s Anatomy to clarify some things for myself, finding her explanations spot on.
She helped me, via e-mail, through some puzzlement about my son’s autopsy report as well.

Quick, Otto’s coming! Hide the drama! Stuffs drama in box and sits on it

Oh, hi Otto! Snuck up on us didn’t you! Ha. Ha.

Is he gone yet?

ETA: I miss gabriela too. I loved the fake autopsy thread, as well and wish I could have participated in it. Sniff

Sadly, I think she’s gone for good. I can’t say that I blame her at all.

Some people here can get jealous about another posters popularity (and who was more welcomed than she?), or just feel the need to find fault where there might not be any.

It’s really a shame, especially because I have a strong interest in her field. When I was first enrolled at The Ohio State University, my only option for pursuing a degree in forensics was an interdisciplinary study between osteology and anthropology, which would not have been adequate. Since then, a few courses have been added to accommodate students with interests in that field.

She came here to be a part of a message board, not to be interrogated. She wanted to share her insights, which she did. Whether she left because she was not as qualified as she said (which I highly doubt), or just because some people created a hostile environment for her, the end result is the same. We lost a quality poster. She had highly specific medical and pathological knowledge, she had a great demeanor, and was entertaining as well.

If any of us were responsible for her departure, I feel a little bit ashamed. Perhaps she just has better things to do. Either way, we are without her, and I don’t think that it will change. I believe that she has washed her hands of this site, and will never return. I really, really hope that I’m wrong.

I really enjoyed all of her posts. After reading what she had to say I always walked away with a wider base of knowledge. She was also very nice and always helpful. It sucks that people actually questioned her legitimacy.

As a fellow pathologist, I never once doubted her veracity. Not just because the knowledge she displayed was accurate, but because she was familiar with certain “personalities” in the field of forensic pathology with whom I’m also acquainted.

It was nice having her around.

She made statements that seemed to have flaws and didn’t seem willing or able to elucidate. Of course she didn’t have any obligation to explain further, but this failure didn’t help much with her credibility in my eyes. Any notion that I’m driven by jealously is baseless sniping, and this silliness should be in the pit. The suggestion made here and by gabs herself that I’d need to be a medical doctor to argue a point of fact is a logical fallacy and I won’t acquiesce to this mode of obfuscation.

I’ve always treated people fairly, if not with undue obsequiousness. I’ve also had to support my own opinions in areas of my expertise against questions ranging from the intuitive to the inane. This has never caused me to consider packing it in, but if it ever did, I’d have to say it was my decision and not something someone else did to me.

I do too. I like to think she is Dr G. :slight_smile: