I feel I owe the SDMB a huge thank you.

'Right, it made my day, so how’s about you just stop trying to kill my buzz, hey?


Congrats to you both. Very nice photo! He’s a lucky guy!

I think what **Angua’s **trying to say is that if it hadn’t been for her, Crusoe and I might never have gotten together. And she’s right. Thanks again Angua!

And for all the congratulations and compliments you guys! I don’t normally look that good - the dress helped, as did the hair and make-up artist. Crusoe, however, is always a handsome devil!

It’s good that it made your day. I take nothing away from that (and just in case you mistake me for Shagnasty, I am Lobsang)

But I personally only feel patronized when people pay me complements I know are not true.

And I am agreeing with Shagnasty because the two people in the OP really are photogenic.

You do know that if your first born is male you’re obligated to name him Cecil.

I knew I should have smilied thatgrumble… it was a joke.
Richard Lewis, your self-deprecating joke crown is safe from me.

So… how many does that make now?

I’m [presumptively] predicting future arrivals of beautiful and intelligent babies, of whatever sex.

Congrats to a truly beautiful and happy looking couple.

No, I’m just extremely bad at knowing when people are joking :frowning:

Wow, congratulations and best wishes to you both. I’m sitting here smiling. Thanks for sharing this.

Congratulations! Now get busy and produce the next generation of Dopers.

We’ve had Doper couples with kids. I wonder if we’ll be around long enough that some of those kids will meet and breed a third generation. Survival of the least ignorant you know.

Seriously folks, you look really good.

Best wishes for the future! Where are we going for the honeymoon? (I’m assuming you’re taking all of us along).

Pfffft… :stuck_out_tongue:

And Jennyrosity, you’re making me blush. A lot. But I’m so very very happy for you guys!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

From one half of another Doper Couple, welcome to the family! :smiley:

And congratulations on your nuptials! May you have a lifetime of wedded bliss.

My congratulations! :slight_smile:

And sometimes you even skip that stage :slight_smile:

Only once. Though if you’re complaining about it… :dubious:


Congratulations!! Wishing you two the best.

And I’ll infinitieth the remark that you two are ridiculously good looking.

Wow, what a great picture! Congratulations!

Congrats to the handsome groom, and best wishes to the lovely bride!

twicks, a bit of a stickler about these things. :wink:

and if girl: cecilia. that should get simon and garfunkle stuck in your brains.

may you have many happy and healthy years together!