I feel like I dodged a bullet

I interviewed for a job today with Vector, which specializes in selling knives. I came home, decided to do a little Internet research, and all I turned up were sites complaining about it, including this one:


I’m glad I decided to bail before I lost any money or wasted any more of my time. I still feel a little dumb, though, for getting suckered into going into the interview at all.

Has anyone else had experience with this company?

To tell you the truth, I think whomever made that is a complete idiot. I’m a little tired right now but I’ll present arguements tomorrow. Sure Vector might not seem like the place to work for you, but Snooooopy, I congradulate you on doing your homework. People (and by people, I mean the author of that petition) assumes that everything is face value. Well Mr. Author, never assume because it makes an ass of u and well you.
Thank You.
I needed to vent out.

I’ve never heard of the company, so I can’t speak to their honesty one way or the other, but that petition doesn’t inspire a whole lot of confidence in their complaint. Starting at the top, where the petition is addressed to the company they’re complaining about, instead of the Better Business Bureau, or Congress, or the International Brotherhood of Honest Knife Merchants, or any other sort of organization that might actually be in a position to do something about this alleged scam. Certainly, the scammers themselves aren’t likely to be swayed by an on-line petition. “Look, NSYNCFan2636 says we’re a pyramid scheme. Guess it’s time to close shop.”

The rhetoric is too think and too partisan. Slogans like “FRIENDS DONT LET FRIENDS WORK FOR VECTOR” make me question their objectivity; it sounds like a former employee with an ax to grind. Most disturbing are lines like “if there are comments that defend Vector on this petition, you will know the people are Vector/Cutco “spies” as this is a petition ‘Against’ Vector.” Spies? Paranoid much?

I don’t know if Vector is on the up-and-up. At best, it still sounds like telemarketing and door-to-door salesmanship, which is bad enough as it is. But, I wouldn’t base any career decisions on this poorly written and slightly deranged petition.

Well, I didn’t just rely on that Web site. Here’s another site with some lively debates.


I mean, my mind’s pretty much made up that I’m going to take a pass. It’s just hard to reconcile the volume of complaints I’ve seen with the notion that the company is somewhere I want to be.

Yeah, that MB is a lot more convincing. Don’t feel too bad about almost falling for these guys. (Keyword: “almost”) Clearly, they’ve got a lot of practice coning people. At least you know you got taken by a pro, to quote someone or other.

My husband’s friend tried to sell those knives when he was in high school.

Be glad that you didn’t waste your time and energy with cutco.

a)they pressured him to sell to his family. See: sell even just one set, and they make money. Actually, sell nothing and they make money as you need to buy a demo set.

b)It is a great job to have if you want to get rid of friends or have them avoid you. Very few people want to buy expensive knives. Those that do, usually buy Henkles. Seeing their site, my Henkles set was cheaper and I wasn’t pressured into a sale.

c)do you consider yourself a salesman? That is what the job is, afterall. You will have to go out and find customers. They will not come to you.

I think that if you put ‘cutco’ instead of vector, you may get more responses in this thread. I had no idea that vector=cutco.
My husband went to a meeting with his friend to sign up for a job (also during high school) and he said it rubbed him wrong. They also called him a LOT for two weeks, leaving messages asking him to come back for an interview. He finally blew his top and asked them to never call back.