I was driving down the street yesterday afternoon, and in the bicycle lane on my right was one of the loveliest young ladies I’ve seen in a long time. She was wearing rather short pink shorts, and a black, tight-fitting v-neck long-sleeved t-shirt. She had long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, and long, lean, nicely tanned legs. As she pedaled her bicycle, you could see her thigh muscles flex in the most hypnotizing manner.
She just exuded vitality, and practically glowed with a combination of health, youth, and beauty that I rarely see. She was pretty but not stunningly gorgeous, slender without being skinny, the dictionary definition of “girl next door.”
All I really wanted to do was just watch her for as long as I could. That’s all. Even if I were younger and single, it wouldn’t occur to me to hit on her. She was just entrancing.
When my mind did eventually go to a more carnal place, I didn’t picture her naked, I didn’t imagine all sorts of sweaty, lustful things I wished to do with her. I wondered what it would be like to kiss her. I wondered what she smelled like.
And then my turn arrived, and I drove off toward the airport. But I’ll be damned if I didn’t feel happier for having seen this vision of loveliness. I actually felt for a few moments like the world was just a little bit better for this young woman existing in it.
Anyone else ever fall in love with someone you’ll never see again, and in fact never even meet? Anyone else witness a bit of beauty (human or otherwise) recently that lifted your spirits?
Ah yes, those moments when Cupid descends from the clouds and shoots an arrow tipped with a wistful sigh-inducing bon-bon, that brief morsel of delicious infatuation, those moments put zip in one’s step and make the whole world smile, don’t they?
While my time was cruelly short, a few months ago while shopping, my eye spyed a cumsome young Hispanic women sashaying down the aisle. Standing out in a sea of drab and dreary Japanese drones, she was brimming with the joie de vivre. And what a body! Long legs, luscious curves, lascivious…boobs. But these are not what made me swoon. Being a rather flirtacious young male, I shot her a quick smile and nod. What proceeded must have been how Job felt before God, as the radiance of the smile she returned outshone the sun. Full and warm, it spoke straight to my soul in a feminine voice that whispered “you are loved, and the world is a beautiful place.” I wanted to run off with her, to go on a crazy adventure and never return. If only we could do such things… Ah yes, that was a good shopping experience.
I am not a big fan of Citizen Kane or Orson Welles, but you just did put me in mind of this quote:
“A fella’d remember a lot of things you wouldn’t think he’d remember… One day back in 1896 I was crossing over to Jersey on the ferry. And as we pulled out, there was another ferry pulling in, and on it was a girl waiting to get off. A white dress she had on, and she was carrying a white parasol. I saw her for only one second; she didn’t see me 't all. But I bet a month hasn’t gone by since I haven’t thought of that girl.”
One of the most beautiful beings I have ever seen was actually a performer…the hoop dancer in Cirque du Soleil’s Totem. Just sheer beauty in motion, jaw droppingly gorgeous.
I have the misfortune of having had a moment like this years ago, with a young man that I now work with (just started at the place 2 months ago). It’s not nearly so fun when you have to see them every day.
Hehe, cute thread. One time in college, I was riding the bus to Walmart. It was a fairly long trip (almost an hour because of all the stopping, though it was only a few miles away as the car flies) and I had gotten on at one of the earliest stops. I saw a guy get on the bus, and just enjoyed looking at him. He wasn’t anything special, really, fairly overweight with a goatee and lame glasses, but there was something magical in his smile. When his stop came up, for a few seconds I considered running off the bus and handing him my phone number. Then the doors closed, the bus rumbled on, and all I had left were memories.