I finally get what Q.E.D.'s name means!

A while back Q.E.D. was mentioning something about what his name meant/abbreviated. I was rather puzzled. One thing about the boards that I am impressed with is the intellectual nature of posters names. I knew it had to be something cool and brainy. When watching the season premeire of Monk, I heard a quote in latin, Quo Era Demonstratum [sp?] which apparently means “Thus it is proven”. To Q.E.D. , I must say your name is perfect for the nature of the boards, and now that I know what it means I have a whole new level of respect for the name :slight_smile:

Additionally, when reading the Encyclopedia the other day (yes, I read the encyclopedia for fun) I discovered that the poster Diogenes the Cynic derived his name from a man named Diogenes, who founded the Cynic style of philosophy. Very clever!

As for my name, well, I personally don’t think it has the clever flair as some posters do. Though if you ever happen to gaze upon the painting titled [the] Nightmare, you may happen to see me squatting atop that lovely sleeping woman :smiley:

Neither does mine, believe it or not! :wink:


Actually, our Q.E.D. takes his name from Quiche Eating Destructobot. Just a slight correction.

And here I thought Q.E.D. took his name in response to one of our most hated GQ topics, and it was short for “Quacks Echo, Dammit!”

Or maybe he’s a Sam Waterston fan from way back.

For accuracy, I believe it’s spelled “quod erat demonstrandum”, or as my high school math teacher said “quite easily done.”

There are some that use it to stand for “quantum electrodynamics” as well.

And of course, there is the Thomas Dolby song (oh you speak French!) but that’s equally irrelevant.

For some reason, I like Otto’s idea best so far. Heh.

I have a historical analog, too. But I can’t believe that I’ve found another Fuseli aficionado on the boards!

Really, I thought it stood for Queef Enlightened Dude.

Gee, I thought it stood for Quietly Enjoying Doughnuts.

Either that, or Quit Expanding Denver.

Well, I thought it was the acronym for Quoth Enlightened Druids.

Damn. Back to the other scriptures eh?


Not actually “thus it is proven;” literally, “which was to be demonstrated.” It’s not a complete sentence; you append it to your conclusion as a way of saying that you have proven the required thing. e.g. …(z^x)v~q, q.e.d.

While we’re sharing, I’ll tell you what your name reminds me of.

When I was in my early teens, I remember reading an article on the origins of the world “incubus” (I have a stupid memory that allows me to remember insignificant newpaper articles 10 years on… yet allows me to forget my bank PIN. :)) The writer explain the origins of the word – “incubus” being a spirit blamed for “unexplained” pregnancies in women – and how it literally meant “to lie down on”. From this Latin root, a connection was drawn between the word “incubus” and “incubator”.

So when I see your username, I think of tiny babies sleeping in clear plastic boxes! :slight_smile:

one person with a distinctly unintelligent nick here :slight_smile:

I think my user name has to be one or the more Inane on the boards

::fligs feces while breying::

I was surprised when reading The Hunting of the Snark and found the origin of Rilchiam’s name. I love these clever usernames.

Incubus always makes me think of Buffy:

My username is from an 80’s cartoon Dangermouse. One of the best cartoons ever.

The evil mastermind was a toad named Baron Silas Greenback. He had a sidekick/pet catepillar name Nero. Had a henchman named Stiletto and Count Duckula. thinks about the days when cartoons were good sigh

I think I’m going to have to change my username as most people probably equate my name with currency, which is completely unjustified in my present situation.

I thought Q.E.D. ment

Quest to

Or he may have taken his name from the place where you learn the unlearnable.

Their fight song is kind of slow but really stirring.