I finally paid off my car


I cant believe it…it is all mine


Now we will go from barely above water to hand-to-mouth :cool:

Congrats. It’s always a good feeling to get out from under the debt boulder.

I hope your car doesn’t crap out on you tomorrow. :slight_smile:


Based on my experience, someone will hit you within the next month and total it out.
Enjoy until then though :wink:

Congratulations! Enjoy your victory.

Now run the wheels off the thing, see if you can get 10 more years out of it (I think it’s the only way to “make money” on a car).

And find one of those “Don’t laugh it’s paid for” bumper stickers


December 2000 was a glorious month – I paid off my car AND my student loans! Oh frabjous day! Another ~$375 in my pocket every month.

In February 2001 Mr. S got downsized.

Enjoy it while you can.

I paid off my van about 4 years ago. I have done my best to get the periodic maintenance done, and I’ve been told I should be able to get 200K miles out of it (I passed 154K today)

I figure until my repair bills exceed a car payment, I’ll maintain it and enjoy being payment-free! Welcome to my world! :smiley:

LOL, thanks all…it is staying on my full coverage insurance until after the snow is gone! [besides, they already took the payment for 6 months of insurance on it at the beginning of January=)]

It is a 97 Jetta, and has something on the order of 120K miles on it already, but mrAru is anal about servicing it, so except for the stupidly typical trim strips adhesive giving out and having to be epoxied back in place and a few shopping cart dings it is in great shape - though he does drive a 150 mile a day round trip to work in it.

Heck, I just love that it is all mine now, though the money every month will be more than welcome=) and we have a bonus of $300US from the money I was keeping in the credit union account that the loan was from … i see … a full freezer of food=)

Way to go!

I’ve got a couple more years before I pay off my Saturn. After that, I intend to keep that car until it decays into a pile of rust. (And since it has plastic body panels, that might take a really long time :wink: ) Actually, I’m putting a lot of mileage on it, so the engine and/or transmission will probably be the limiting factor. Still, I intend to run that baby for as long as I can.

Congrats! You gonna buy a new car now on credit?

I’m so jealous. My car won’t be paid off for another 13 months.

Congratulations, aruvqan! :slight_smile:

My car will be paid off in May. FINALLY. It’s a '97 Saturn (bought it in 2001), has about 85,000 miles on it, so I hope to get a few more years out of it. I can’t wait for June when NO PAYMENT GOES OUT.


LOL, I wish, but I have been out of work for almost 2 years, so I need a job first, though we do need to look into getting something for MrAru as soon as possible if I get a job…that 150 miles a day is killer and our second vehicle is an 84 chevy S10 that gets absolutely crappy gas useage=(