I find it REALLY amazing that..

-Cat, who lived the first 6 months of his life on the street, seems to have more wisdom and patience than many humans I know.

-My SO can somehow manage to be so strong and so very soft at the same time.

-A hummingbird can beat its wings faster than I can think.

-There are men in the world that could bench press a pile of 7 or 8 of me.

more to come… add your own!

I’m a tiny dot in the universe.

Just the size of Earth alone is beyond my comprehension.

Current bench press record is around 800lbs, so you must be pretty light.

Okay, so I estimated and was off a bit. Sue me. :slight_smile:
For the record, I weigh somewhere around 175 lbs. Which is still like, more than 4 of me. That’s still a lot.

I exist in this vast expance as a dot inside a dot inside a dot inside a dot. Actually, i’m infinatly more insignifigant then that, i just can’t think big enough to truely comprehend my nothingness.

And yet.

Everything i do will, somehow, effect everything else in the universe.

The next time i cough i might kill a king of a people i’ve never heard of in a county i’ll never know exists on a planet so far away i’ll never, ever fully understand the distance.

I might kill god with my next fart.

Ain’t the Universe wacky?

My nose can produce so much snot in the course of one afternoon. Im talking gallons people, I swear I thought my brain was leaking out of my nose.

-Data, images, and music can be stored on CD or Disk. And that data can be transfered through light or two single wires.

-Intel Ijent III© Comprehension. (bioligically).

-That I wake up every morning.


So many of the crappy drivers in the world make out of their driveways in one piece.

No one knows how to cook any more.

Men don’t understand how much fun it is to give flowers.

There are people who deny the existence of the Holocaust.

People find fast food to be more than occasionally edible.

Nobody comparison shops any more.

People no longer expect talent from their performers, merely identifiable iconography.

Many people could not be dropped off in a temperate wilderness and survive for more than a week.

So few people can play a musical instrument.

No one speaks a second language.

So many find camping to be intollerably uncomfortable.

Some people hate small animals.

People generally have a phobia about foreign foods.

People generally have a phobia about insects.

People generally have a phobia about spiders.

People generally have a phobia about snakes.

People generally have a phobia about computers.

So many people generally have a phobia about foreigners.

That we got this far without nuclear war.

Love doesn’t need reasons.

Lava lamps are pretty.

I’m managing to learn Latin.

I’ve managed to grow up, sort of.

Happiness replaces sleep easily.

Humans are capable of great good and great evil…and most of them end up mediocre.

Mash potatoes can be made from real potatoes.

Babies are amazing.

I find this, that, and everything amazing.
I find it amazing that we are here, let alone that we have a message board, let alone that we are using it to this end.

Existing is amazing in itself, no ?

— G. Raven

Although I know the perfect woman for me is out there somewhere, she and I have not yet connected.

My cat enjoys walking on a leash.

(Hmmm… are these two somehow connected???)

I survived fine until a year ago without a cell phone.

Jerry Springer is still being aired.

I find it amazing that a baby can be made and develop and live inside me for 9 months and be born a perfect human being.

I find it amazing that every month I have enough money to pay my bills and take care of my family and still have a little left over to save.

I find it amazing that my car starts every morning.

I almost forgot one.

I find it really amazing that a couple of applications of sunscreen allow me to spend the day outside without being burnt.

i find it amazing that,

  • despite the insane mood swings i experience every month, i have yet to kill anyone.

  • someone tolerates me, let alone loves me.

That I found a absolutely stunningly beautiful woman that could model if she wanted to, genuinely loves me and can’t wait to get home from work to be with me. On top of all this, she is an engineer and incredibly intelligent…far more so than me at least.

See above

I have been able to keep my job for 10 years now, and now have several people under me that genuinely respect me and listen to what I have to say.

I manage to keep all of my little hobbies on the go and not go broke

There are all these stars in the universe, yet there are people that think we are alone.

Our cat likes only us and my wives’ parents. And swats and hisses at anyone he doesn’t know. Good kitty!

I can actually cook. Pretty well.

On top of that, I almost always cook dinner.

I have a sex drive that is almost never fulfilled. * Ok, thats not THAT amazing*

With all the wealth of our countries (Canada and the US) there are STILL people starving in the streets.

That people could actully hurt pets and poach animals. Even more so that usually these people don’t even go to jail.

Our law system lets rapists, pedophiles and murderers not fry.

See first post
I could go on all day

we forget so easily about other people’s problems

we believe ourselves to be superior to others if we have more money (and vice versa)

People aren’t amazed more often.

we managed to come to existence and yet still moan all the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

when they put the jelly in Trifle it doesn’t all sink into the biscuit.

Bernse: Congratulations. Now bite me.

LOL! You know, I thought after posting that maybe I was tooting my own horn just a teensy little bit. Do you mind if I use you post as my sig though? I think I need one.

OK bernse, although I think this makes only my 31st post, is it legal to get a sig from a newbie? Are there bylaws somewhere?

It would be an honor for me, and for your supermodel.