I find myself wishing for a God to Smite Them.


The individuals of this cult are apparently planning on heading out to the firefighter funerals. I am not normally violent or hateful, but I hope they never make it out there. If they do, I hope the respectful people that can get there manage to block their access. I’m so tired of this “church” piggybacking on the tragedies of existence to promote their bigotry and hate. I pit them. I pit them a lot. I hope they burn in the hell they make. May Karma strike. May they be considered children of Kali. May they be audited by the IRS. A pox on their genitals. A boil on their arses. May they see their grandparents naked. May they get papercuts on their eyes. May a bone break for every time they misquote the bible.


I’ll bet they don’t show. They got te media coverage they wanted already with just a tweet, will the additional “juice” they get from showing up be worth the “squeeze” of driving cross country?

But you repeat yourself.

Yup. They haven’t bothered to actually show up at several of their threatened demonstrations lately. They’re just trolling for attention. Which they get.

Ignore them.

They are God’s Trolls.


We could just ignore them.

Why can’t a mass murderer do some good and target them?

NOTE TO MODS: I am not advocating one kills the WBC. I am simply wondering why, with all the murders that go on, somebody doesn’t do a public service and slaughter the whole lot of them. Maybe a guy who’s going to commit suicide anyways turns the gun on them first. Its just odd that it hasn’t happened

Man, I was with you until the paper cuts on the eyes. Ewwww . . .

ETA: OK, I read the article. For them, they get my dispensation. Paper cuts on the eyes are OK.

I think they realize that their scam (provoking people into illegally blocking their “protests” or physically assauting them) is breaking down. First, people are wise to them, and worked out non-actionable ways to neutralize them. Second, at this point, if somebody did take a swing at them I’d wager a fair sum that any and all witnesses will break out their best Sergeant Shultz impressions.

The purpose is also to unite the members, it’s not a church as much as a twisted family cult, these people are all related. Fred Phelps must keep his patriarch status and he does that by raising the next generation surrounded by people shouting at them.

Sure, it isn’t paying like it used too, but that’s no reason for them to quit now.

Were there a god or gods, I’d like to think that he/she/they would make an exemption from the contemporary stance of non-intervention that he/she/they have adopted to bring the smite down on Phelps and co.

Say, why don’t the Westboro Baptists ever picket Hell’s Angels’ funerals? Those are some wretched sinners right there – crime, drugs, brawling, fornication, riotous living – man up, Phred! You know the Lord wants you to!

Also all the atheists.

I hope they all step on a lego with bare feet on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

What d’ya all suppose will happen to WBC when Old Man Phred isn’t around any more? Do any of the young’uns have the leadership or charisma or cojones, or whatever shit powers this crew, to keep the cult together? Or will it all fade or disintegrate into dust, like old sun-parched road apples laying in the Great Prairie sun?

Shirley Phelps-Roper is the current de facto head of the church. Yes, the Shirley Phelps-Roper who spread her legs and conceived her son Sam while not married. She is going striaght to HELL for fornication and being a female leader of a church.

Yes. They are the bubblegum stuck to the bottom of the shoe of life.

Jesus Christ, you sicko. There is a limit.

If I delivered their paper I would NEVER put it on their porch! Take THAT, scumbags!

Or, you could roll it up and swat them on the nose with it.