I found a lost kitten

I don’t know how hard you want to find his owner but this month we got lucky finding our lost cat on nextdoor.com The shelter actually recommended it. The dummy was lost 10 days and the day after we got signed up on tht website and posted we got a response saying they saw him. Thank you internet and crazy cat ladies!

Note: the site does require you prove your address. If you don’t want to give them personal info, you can request they send a postcard with an access code. We had to do that because we just moved here and we hadn’t established this as our billing residence with anyone.

Sigman You could squeeze in a few more if you really tried. :stuck_out_tongue:

OP - George is a cutie. Maybe your wife will warm up to him. Fingers crossed for you.

There’s two more not in the pic, our tom cats, Chester and GrayZ. :cool:

It all started with a feral tabby tom, Sidewalk. We adopted him and fed him. Later he came home with a daughter we named Sweepea. All the tabbies are hers (two gens) and the motley daughter has an orange and a black kit (2 out of six survived).

The Calicos are mother and two daughters. The mother was a tree cat who lived in our tree. We named her Barker and fed her too.

The rest is history. GrayZ was my pet cat but he didn’t know how to be a house cat so he had to go outside. Shame, he’s a beautiful guy.


Hey, free kitten! He is yours now.

You mean the opposite, of course. LiveFree belongs to the kitten. :slight_smile:

Hey, free servant!

While our new location was being built out 2 1/2 years ago, I found a little black kitten hiding under a pile of trash. SWMBO was not a cat person, so it took some doing for us to wind up keeping the kitty.

Now she totally owns SWMBO and even helps her work on the computer.

Allow me to be the voice of caution (although it’s probably moot at this point):

Years ago, when I was living in Waco, I found a very young kitten on my doorstep. I took it in, with the intention of taking it to the Humane Society on Monday morning. The poor thing was very weak and sleepy.

On Monday, I took it in… and just as I was handing the kitten to the worker, it went into convulsions and died. “So, uh… has anyone besides you been exposed to this animal?”

Turns out it had rabies, which was likely why it was so young and abandoned by its mother. I had to get the shots (which, luckily, they don’t do in the stomach anymore). But hey, I made the local news.

Good for you for taking him in! He is adorable. I think you should keep him as your new feline overlord.

He’s really been tugging at my heart strings over the weekend.

I had a REALLY hard time leaving him and going to work this morning. Plus, it’s almost like he knew that I was leaving. He was real clingy and wanted to be held.

Another picture.

I brought home a feral kitten about 6 months ago, I had to bottle feed for a couple of weeks. He has killed over a dozen rats in the past two weeks and only 6 months old. No regrets on my part. The rats raid my grapevines each year.

Well, clearly this is your answer on getting your wife on board.

I believe your new feline overlord should be named Gary.

We always had a cat when I was growing up, but I never thought of myself as a cat person. Until I adopted Ursala Kitteh. Now I know I’ll never be without a cat again.

Oh man, he is soooo cute. I wouldn’t want to leave him either :slight_smile:

I’m probably the only one who reads the thread title and wonders what’s the big deal about finding a lost mitten…

The kitten had been lonely. You are a godsend to him.

Awwww. Hello, George. Melts into puddle of goo

Dude, you are so owned by a kitten now.