I found a tree stand near my house. What should I do with it?

Yeah, and since bullets and arrows stop magically at your property line, the fact that it’s right next to your land won’t matter either. You’re perfectly safe in your Second Amendment forcefield.

I don’t have neighbors. I have unused woods.

I’m kind of curious about what it’s doing there. You will come back and let us know what you find out won’t you?

Another vote to do nothing except call the Game Warden. He’s the one that will be able to address the legality of the stand and what, if anything, should be done to any persons using it.

You mean the land isn’t owned by anyone? And their use of the land doesn’t meet with your approval?

No, by your own admission, the land belongs to the University. They are your neighbor. You don’t know what type of experiments are being conducted on that land. They could be doing soil analysis and by introducing the ashes into the land, you are potentially contaminating their experiment.

How would you feel if the University started dumping stuff in your back yard?

Once again, the property is not yours, and the wildlife is not yours. The wildlife probably does not belong to the University, either. In many jurisdictions, wildlife belongs to the state (i.e.: the People).

Therefore, call your local Game Warden / Department of Wildlife office. They are your legal representatives in these types of matters. You pay their salaries. Let them do the work you pay them to do.

The arrogance of this comment is astounding.

I’ve spoken to the farm management. They are well aware of our activities.

Sorry, I don’t mean to be arrogant. I’m just saying that this area is completely unused by the owners. As I said above, I’ve spoken to the management, and they have no problem with us going onto the land, as long as we don’t damage anything.

Isn’t that why you asked this question in the first place?

Since you’ve had prior contact with the management, why not call them and let them handle the problem on their land? Taking matters into your own hands is just a bad idea.

Also, how can you be certain this stand is used for hunting? Isn’t possible that a university might have some other reason for wanting to observe wildlife? I don’t think you’re wrong to be concerned, but the correct way to handle this is make a complaint to the owner.

OP has a legitimate complaint about the stand being too close to his house, even if it is legal. He knows who owns the land and the appropriate authorities to contact.

I really don’t understand why he would consider taking things into his own hands. If you report this it isn’t going to be ignored or swept under the rug.

ETA: Please don’t feed the deer. Deer overpopulation is a major problem for quite a number of reasons and they pose a significant danger to anyone who drives early in the morning or late at night.

I never really had any intention of damaging the tree stand, just possibly taking it down. That was just an option in the poll. Besides, I’m about 99.9999999% sure that the stand does not belong to the University and has no business on their land, and also that the farm manager wouldn’t approve of it. I tried to call him today, but he’s out.

Well, that depends. The person who shot a cat to death in our back yard at a former place we lived to “protect the honor” of our (spayed, indoor) fired in the direction of the elementary school building immediately behind us. Although it was at night, and I don’t know if any bullets struck the school building itself. That episode was indeed swept under the rug when the police came.

The person who fired a shotgun at the local community college was on grounds posted no hunting, firing into the air but toward the soccer fields little kids play on, and beyond that were the campus buildings themselves, so whoever it was fired directly toward the school. That incident wasn’t “swept under the rug” so much as completely ignored by the security guards, who found it funny.

But maybe things are different in the OP’s state.

Taking it down, is not damaging it???

No, it’s a portable tree stand, it just kind of straps onto the tree.

It’s something like this.

What possible rationale do you have to enforce your own interpretations of morals, laws, etc. on someone else’s property? At best, your obligation is to inform the land owner of the stand and let them do what they wish.

Those aren’t necessarily cheap. If I was deploying one it wouldn’t be in a place where I didn’t have permission.

Very simple then… take it down, place it at the base of the tree with a note that says “Hunting is not allowed in this area. Contact (Farm Manager’s Info) for more information.” No harm, no foul. If on the long shot it is for observation by the university they will put it back up, maybe with a note back to you explaining its purpose.

That might be nice, but the OP doesn’t know for certain the legality of hunting on the property. He says it’s “supposed to be closed for hunting”, meaning he doesn’t really know. This action would be sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. He at most should contact the property owner, share his discovery, and concern that someone would be hunting so near to his own property.