I fucking hate the music these days!!

When I was growing up (I turn 19 this Thursday–I know I’m still a youngin, but shaddap.), we had music that was made by bands. These bands clawed their way up from the garage, they played free shows and swept the floors afterward. These bands had known each other since they were kids, and were friends. All of this came through in the music that they played, and the shows they put on–The music was real, they wrote it, they stayed up till the wee hours of the night putting words to music. There was emotion in what was said, and all this came through in the music that they played.

Nowadays, even the so-called “alternative” bands are just corperate-sponsered rebellion. Every record released has it’s demographic, it’s niche. The bands are told how to look, how to act, and where to be seen, but none of this comes through in the music that they play, because they don’t write the music, they are handed lyrics and dance-moves for they tour they are about to be taken on. They are told to be edgy, but to keep it clean so they can play it on the disney channel between the watered-down pre-teen sitcoms.

I hate the state of music that we as a nation are currently in, it is soulless, emotionless, bland, crap. utter shit.
To the aged of the board: please tell me this has happened before, that this is part of a cycle that will be shattered by the next Beatles, or the next Nirvana, please tell me that we are not headed into a black-hole of shitty music.

I know it is not because there is a lack of interest in good music, or a lack of talent in the population, I went to a truly great rock show last night, a local band (whose members I hung out with in high school) called Cellophane Blue.
It seems that record companies think they can simulate that “raw” feel without actually having an unruly artist on their hands, and the kids today eat it up like McDonalds in Ethiopia, but those of us who have tasted the real thing are just left with that filmy after-taste.

Go, my friend, and get music by these bands.

Jets To Brazil
Secret Stars
The Mendoza Line
Red House Painters
Dirty Three
Cat Power
Bright Eyes

There is a musical renaissance afoot. You just won’t hear it on the radio.

I said the same thing around 1982.

My step-father said the same thing around 1962.

Have no idea when Opal said it,

My grandfather said the same thing around 1942.



And behold, it came to pass, Adam sayeth unto Cain and Abel: “Turn that Goddamned noise down!”


fecal, I could kiss you. Don’t ever change, and that’s an order.
I have been into “alternative” music for way too many years and I must say that my hubby and I were just discussing this just last night. I feel that when Nirvana got popular (I love em, great band) the “alternative” music scene basically ended. As soon as it was pigeon holed, it lost something. You are right, the edginess is gone. I mean come on is Marilyn Manson REALLY that offensive? Really?
The pendulum has swung into the land of the bland. I hate it. Its so hard to find good stuff at the moment. But keep the faith, there are a few good ones out there. I’ve been listening to “At the Drive In” And “Spiderbait” recently. Too soft for ya? Try “Mudvayne” or “Grinspoon”.
Or better yet, support your local bands. That’s where you can make a difference and change stuff.
And MRV, thanks for the heads up, I’m off to check 'em out.

hey MrV, have you heard “powderfinger”? you might like 'em.

Like gadgetgirl said, see and support your local band. Buy their CD’s, cassettes, 7 inches, whatever they are selling. You’ll hear some great stuff.
There is an underground music scene, but you have to know where to look. Try your local college radio station. Usually they are ahead of most “cool” trends in music. Find a small record label that puts out stuff you like, and get on the mailing list, or just buy artists from that label when you see them.
When I was sick of the whole alternative scene in the early 90’s, I would do this stuff. I found some cool bands. Another thing I would do was to look in the CD or tape cover and find the “thanks to” section. Underground bands always seem to put their freinds bands, or bands they like in there.
Sure, your going to find some clunkers in there, but even the clunkers are a bunch of people playing their music, not the trend.

Oh yeah, fecal, when you go see a band, especially at a club, always get there early enough to see the opening band. You see some amazing shows by bands sometimes years before they get big.

Great suggestions, Blur.

I’d like to add, I’ve found some great bands through the Ultimate Band List. http://www.ubl.com. Find a band you like, then refer to their recommendations section.

This month, with luck, I’ll get to start up my radio show on a local community station, and get to give some good bands a teeny bit of airtime.

'Cause music wasn’t meant to sell soda pop, dammit.

Pretty idealized. Everyone says this about X idealized time period.

Why not try listening to some non-Euro/American music(s)? Latin, Brazilian, African, Rai etc. Might find something

Fecal, may I direct your attention to a man named Roger Waters?


Well, try this site: Shameless plug for my friend’s band. They’re pretty good, although since they don’t have access to the greatest recording equipment, the Mp3’s aren’t the best. But hey, if you live in the LA area… you’re in luck!

Entry #578 in the Big List of Things You Don’t Hear Every Day

Damn, I posting too quickly a lot this evening…

Anyway, I once said to a friend of mine, “As long as we have video games, we’ll have good music.” Go out and check out the soundtracks, like Final Fantasy 3, Super Mario RPG, and Super Metroid. The music in those games kicks major ass.

While I’m not “the aged of the board”, I did happen to see this article over at Slate where Geoff Shandler suggests that rock peaks in approximately 12 year cycles, and the next is due to arrive in 2003.

Young fecal you are looking in the wrong place. We all suffer the loss of “our” music.

With a little searching as the others suggest you can find another musical wave to ride until your beloved one returns to you…look for it sometime in your 30’s.

By the way you better get all the cd’s you can before they are gone, I was looking at a Y&T cd yesterday they want $37.00 for.

When the bands you love are gone they go into some kind of compilation hell. All your favorite songs get lost as they are cut from “best of” compilations. Take heed young fecal…take heed.

yeah, GOD! I hate it when bands try to market themselves and make a living with their craft! When I start a band, I hope nobody listens to it and nobody buys the albums!

Seriously though, I know what you’re saying fecal (whether I think it’s true or not is a different story)…the thing is…I believe music is never going to sound as good as when you were growing up, discovering how cool music could be, how there were different sounds and genres and things to be unearthed. how great it was to discover a favorite band and follow them. Once you get to 19, 20, 21 though, you’ve been doing it for a good five years and you’ve done the digging. It’s not as exciting anymore.

You know, my first favorite band was Depeche Mode. I thought they were THE SHIT…all day all night, all depeche mode…I listen to them now? eh.

Not so great.

I can only say “what everyone else said” in terms of good music today. If you’re looking to MTV and Coconuts and ROCKIN’ 101.6 for your music, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. My favorite bands are bands I’ll never see in concert and I have to pay $37 to have their CD’s imported. It’s rough trying to find good music, but if you really want it…you’ll find it.


Orange Ryhming Dictionary has been a constant in my car cd collection for over 2 years now. It is one of the most incredible albums I own.

To add to his list check out

Dillinger four
Hot Water Music
And Pavement
heck, while your at it, check out my band (check sig) :slight_smile:

(tapping one foot to a recording of “Milenburg Joys” by Jelly Roll Morton and his Red Hot Peppers)

They’re still making music these days? Fancy that!

And when you’re through with the emo that pezpunk and MrVisible are pushing, get your paws on the catalogs for Man’s Ruin, White Jazz, and Get Hip Records, or just go to http://undergroundmedicine.com to mailorder most of it.

No offense intended you two… but this ATDI thing is beginning to get on my nerves. I liked Fugazi the first time around.

I’d like to kiss you on the lips in the most heterosexual way possible.
fecal sez:

Yeah, it sucks. But there’s always good stuff. You just gotta dig a little harder these days to find it. I’ll throw in my 2¢ for some bands still releasing music worth checking out:

The Mercury Program
5ive Style
Three Mile Pilot
Braid (OK, they broke up but “Frame & Canvas” only came out a few years ago and it kicks much ass)
Built to Spill
Don Caballero
Modest Mouse
Trans AM
No Knife
Burning Airlines

Now I feel like a pop music slut for liking Starlight Mints and the Elephant 6 gang (neutral milk hotel, olivia tremor cotrol, apples in stereo). And I like Rage Against the Machine. How bout that?!?