I Got It! I Got It! I Got It!

I Got It! I Got It! I Got It!I Got It! I Got It! I Got It!I Got It! I Got It! I Got It!I Got It! I Got It! I Got It!I Got It! I Got It! I Got It!I Got It! I Got It! I Got It!I Got It! I Got It! I Got It!I Got It! I Got It! I Got It!I Got It! I Got It! I Got It!I Got It! I Got It! I Got It!I Got It! I Got It! I Got It!I Got It! I Got It! I Got It!

(the new job) Kick Ass!

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity

WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo! WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!WooHoo!


Easy one-step assembly instructions.
Pour Beer A in Uncle B.

Congrats Zette!!!

::breaks open the champagne to celebrate::

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!


Care for a beer, Zette? :slight_smile:

Some drink at the fountain of knowledge…others just gargle.

Congrats Zette, I hope all goes well in the new job and I hope it is all you want it to be.



(now I don’t have to bring all those good vibes back to Binghamton with me; leaves room for me to pack other stuff)


“I’m just too much for human existence – I should be animated.”
–Wayne Knight

Happy Happy Happy New Year, Zette!!!

Ma’am, you ROCK !!

Anyway, what sort of job is it ? Lemme guess… spokeswoman for a tampon company ?

*ducks :wink: *


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Congratulations Zettegirl!!!

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another


Congrats Zette !!!

Way to go Zetter way to go, ect…

Can I uncross my eyes now ?

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)

Go Zette, go Zette, go Zette…

Whooooooooo! ::cheers, stomps, boogies::

Way to go, Zette! Nailed it, and you’re on your way!


Hooray for MzZette-O-Rama ! That Zettecam can’t keep up with your backflips around the kitchen…they’re lucky to have ya !

Hey Zette…way to go. What was the job again?

Live a Lush Life
Da Chef

Go Zette!

Congratulations – I hope it turns out to be fabulous!


Thanks for all the well-wishes. I really wanted this postion. Since I have the floor, I’ll give a synopsis of why this job is so important to me. ::clears throat::

When I was 20 I had some nasty back surgery. I have since developed arthritis in it, as well as degenerative disc problems and sciatica. Over the years it has degenerated to the point where I stopped working full time about 2 1/2 years ago. I even started procedures to apply for permanent disability, as I was in such pain no matter what I did.

I rallied back and resigned myself to a life of part time work, which I find quite unfulfilling. I had always pictured myself as a business woman, using my brain, earning my keep. Instead I was a part time worker and spent too much time at home alone. A combination of pain and confinement resulted in depression.

I was sought out for this job from a woman I used to do buisness with at my last full time job. They aggresively persued me, offered great money, and- the kicker. She OFFERED (I didn’t have to ask) me a work schedule of just 3 days in the office, two days at home.

The perfect solution to my problem. Full time salary, part time hours. This allows me time to do my workouts, physical therapy, or just recoup. This is a major deal for me. I feel like I got my life and my self esteem back.

So I am happy on many different levels. I have a job where my skills will be valued, I can use my brain, and I can work the hours I have dreamed of.

It just goes to show that you NEVER know when things will turn around for you. Always have faith, no matter how bleak things look today.

Have a great day, and thanks for all the well wishes.


Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity

::clap, clap, clap, clap, clap::

Add a six-month deployment and now you’re talkin’!!

But seriously, I think job satisfaction is one of the top three things which can make your life more happy.

Congrats, Zette! I hope you’re as happy in your new job as I am in mine.

Chaim Mattis Keller

“Sherlock Holmes once said that once you have eliminated the
impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be
the answer. I, however, do not like to eliminate the impossible.
The impossible often has a kind of integrity to it that the merely improbable lacks.”
– Douglas Adams’s Dirk Gently, Holistic Detective

Congratulations, girlfriend! You rock the world! Can I rub you for luck?

::praying for a new job::

Way to go!! And what a compliment to you that they not only sought you out, but put together a package particularly designed to appeal to you!

Best of luck with it!!