I got my job back!

I got back on at Oscar Mayer!
Okay, long hours, and repaticious work, but great pay and great benifits.
We had just started to get things together when our son was hit in May, and I ended up having to take a voluntary quit so that I wouldn’t get into the attendance program and get fired since I didn’t have my probationary time in.
They said they would call me back and they did!!!
I am not sure what my hours will be, so I might be scarce for a while. (and just when I was starting to post more)

But, they say absence make the heart grow fonder, so that means that you have to miss me a little. (or a least tell me you do so I feel a little love) :wink:

:slight_smile: GREAT! Can you give me a ride in the Weinermobile?

Congrats! And I’ll try to remember to miss you a bit. :slight_smile:

Damn, Kricket! That rocks! I am so happy for you! I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts!

Um, I could possibly get you a wennie wistle if that would do.
I would like to thank you all for letting me know that I will be missed. (If even a little)

Hey great! Welcome back to the ranks of the gainfully employed! Post in when you have the chance. What do you do for OM?)

(I already have a few wiener whistles. And a Wienermobile bean bag [right here on my computer, except someone glued the label on upside-down].)

I promise that I’ll miss you, if I can get wennie whistle.

Okay, so I am grabbing a handful of wennie whistles for everyone.
I will be packaging bologna! Davenport, Iowa is the bolo capital of the world. As a matter of fact here in a few months I think our plant will be the only OM plant producing bolo. Like three million pounds a week.
And for you military people, bolo is the slang for bologna and racotto salami. My hubby just explained to me that in the military bolo is slang for F*** up.

My bologna has a first name
it’s O_S_C_A_R
My bologna has a second name
it’s M_A_Y_E_R
oh, I love to eat it every day
and if you ask me why I’ll say
Cause Oscar Mayer has a way of

Doesn’t the Davenport plant make those Snackable things?

Anywho…good to hear Kricket…I’m still willing to buy a round at Old Chicago even if you ARE pulling in some dough now :slight_smile:

Yeah, we make the Lunchables. My kids are so excited about that since I can get boxes of 12 for them.
And for a while we has so many hotdogs we couldn’t give them away!
They put me on weekends so I might be around a bit more during the week.
I’m not sure if you get out for an hour or two during the week, but we really should have another get together. Unless of course you want it to be just the two of us since you got out with Chris and Veb last time and I missed out. :smiley:
Hey you know we should have some kind of bbq over the summer. I haven’t heard from Chris in a while, but if we got her son and my heard and Veb’s dog all out to the park you and Mrs. Beagle could just sit back and relax and wait your turn to be all star child wranglers.
I’m not sure how many other dopers are close to us but the more the marrier.
Who knows, in Iowa summer is a long way away!

Oh, and don’t think your child will miss out on the wennie whistle just because she’s not around yet! Oh, no, that is a gift that will keep giving when she is old enough to drive you crazy with. (not making a guess on He or She, just hate to say It)