I Guess He Thought I Was A Real Dog!

So I take my Giant Kitty ™™ to the vet last night. Seems he got into a major brawl with one of his girlfriend’s neighborhood squeezes. He had a puncture wound through his ear and another one through the soft area under his chin (yuk!). So Giant Kitty gets an antibiotic shot, a shave, and some geneal swabbing. I ask the vet, as long as I’m here, can he have a rabies shot, too. No problem says the vet. I reach over to hold the kitty down for his 2nd injection, and the vet sticks ME with the rabies vaccine!:eek: “What the fuck!”, I exclaim. Lucky for me, he didn’t hit the plunger. Also, its a dead virus vaccination, so I am in no danger. Then the vet looked me in the eyes and told me I was his first (owner-wise and stuck-wise). Ain’t that sweet!

Ack! I would have just died on the spot. (Paranoid fear of needles.)

Well, at least you won’t be running 'round MPSIMS giving rabies to bobkitty, OpalCat, or the many other cats in here.


Yeah, I figure I’m probably deemed “disease free” at this point.

Same thing happend to me. But it was a distemper shot (If I recall). Guess thats why I’m so even keeled.

Shit. Now my dad told me I should call the doctor and get a Humanoid Physician’s opinion. So I’ve got a call into him. I don’t think I should worry. But better safe than sorry, right? Christ! that shot made me sound like my mother!

A friend of mine had to be vaccinated for rabies as a vet student. NOT the shots you get if you’ve been bitten, but rather the one that is essentially the same that your pet gets (a preventative shot).

She and all her classmates suffered from bizarre side-effects and they now all feel sorry for the animlas that have to get the shots. The side effects seemed to affect the vet students differently. One girl kept getting hot flashes. One guy had slurred speech and his co-ordination was wonky, and my friend spent two days suffering from symptoms like narcolepsy. She’d be mid-sentence and suddenly say “I’m tired…” and BOOM! sound asleep!

So, did you get a discount or did he charge you for two rabies shots?

Actually, he didn’t even offer me a break on the $78 he charged me for the antibiotic, rabies, prescription drops, and a shave. I’d have thought he would have said the vaccine was a freebie. I’m still waiting to hear back from my doctor (but I figure, no news is good news, rabies-wise).

OK, ok, get some hydrogen peroxide in your mouth, stumble into the vet’s office, mumble that you need to speak to him and when he appears bark at him and let the foam spew out.
Damn, I wish I could do that…

Or just start growling at people (little more subtle that way…)

I’ll have you know ALL my shots are already up-to-date. ::jingling collar tags:: See? I like to be safe, what with all the wild parties and such. :wink: