I guess I'll just eat all this Chinese food.

After a long day at work, I decided it would be nice to treat the kids and myself to takeout. Since I didn’t have a menu and the local place doesn’t have a website, I called and placed an order by describing what we wanted in hopes that the nice lady would know what I meant. It worked (I think), and I have an order to pick up in a few minutes: chicken and broccoli, shrimp lo mein, peanut chicken. And chicken skewers. Oh, and egg rolls.
So…then the Weeping Princess bounces in just long enough to say “HiImgoingtomeetmyfriendsatkarategottagoloveyabye!” And I think TBone is sleeping the sleep of the adolescent gangly kid.
So…come on over! There’s plenty!

I can’t even believe I forgot the crab rangoon.

Thanks! I’m so hungry, I think I could eat a million egg rolls.

I’m on my way! I’ll bring the soy sauce :smiley:

You are killing me here!

I’m killing time waiting for a friend to get off work. I’m over hungry and a tad cranky. Furthermore I’m newly on a heavily sodium reduced diet now, so Chinese food is just a dream to me these days.

And now you have excess sate and lo mein?

It’s more than I can bear, I gotta go…eat something saltless :frowning:

Ooooh, low-sodium diet. That is the ugliest sounding thing ever. You deserve sympathy cards for that. :frowning:
Interesting fact: You get a lot more food for $30 takeout than for $30 buffet for one adult and two kids.
AND get this:
TBones fortune read thusly:
“You are an angel. Beware of those who collect feathers.”

Yum I’ve been wanting Chinese food

So? Did you eat ALL the things?

I tried, but I still have loads left over. I cannot believe how many pounds and pounds of food that turned out to be.
I did manage to snarf up the eggrolls, though. So good!
Lunch for tomorrow is all ready to go!

Sheesh, what’s creepy about it?

I love feathers!

(Pretty great coincidence, I have to say! I do, in fact, have a large collection of feathers!

Perhaps it’s magic chinese food! Consider buying a lottery ticket at lunch, is all I’ll say!))

It’s ten in the morning over here and now I’m craving Chinese food. And the local place does not open until 11:30. Pouts.