I had a burger, fries, and a cold draft beer at a bar

I’ve been going for takeout maybe every other day since this thing began, and my fiancee is a very good cook for the other meals, so I haven’t become sick of my own cooking. :smile:

But we went for the first time this weekend to a restaurant to eat. Illinois has only outdoor* dining until later this week, so we ended up for Sunday breakfast at a nearby restaurant using a roped-off and tented section of parking lot as as its dining area. Plus a few tables not under the tent or any umbrella that nobody wanted to sit at in the hot sun. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: The food was very good, but my itch to eat out just because I could was definitely scratched.

*Outdoors, plus tables just inside where the wall can be opened up for fresh air. Went to pick up takeout a couple of weeks ago and I puzzled for a couple of seconds to see people eating inside until I realized the glass wall was open.