I had a really great day

Well, wasn’t today fantastic?

I had a meeting with a customer and they want a big package off me. One that suits me down to the ground. I spoke to people involved on my side and they’re pleased and all set to help me get it done.

We sold loads and we’re going to smash targets for this month. I’ve gotten all my pissed off customers smiling again.

My little five year old nephew came into the store and was grinning too, which made me smile back. Happy children are the best kind of contagion.

This Red wine tastes even better than ever, the sun was shining, my wife is laughing.

I’m in such a good mood coz everything is just falling right into place at the moment.

The only bug is that none of my friends are on the ventrillo server so I can rant about how great things are at the moment. So I’ll tell you all instead! See, even that tiny problem had a simple solution

Good on ya, mate! It’s been raining and miserable here for three days, and the one consolation is that I didn’t messily slaughter all my children yesterday after they got on my nerves all day.

Eh, today was alright.

I’m really very happy for you! My day was nice, not as good as yours, but no cavities and I got the really, really cute dentist at my dental office today.

Had a great day really.

Worked out a contract manufacturing deal with a firm in Florida. Wrapped up early and went to a Tampa Bay Lightening hockey playoff game, and am now sucking back a couple of more beers before I go to bed and contemplate my last day in Florida tomorrow. It’ll be 77 and sunny. I might just go to a beach and drink some beer.

Life’s rough.

One co-worker was out because her road washed away. Another was out because she couldn’t get past the downed trees across her driveway.

But everyone is OK and that makes it a good day.

I met a boy. He is smart, fun to be around, and he likes me.