I got up this morning at the crack of 10:30, got dressed, brushed my teeth, put my coat on, left my room, and shut the door, letting it lock behind me.
It was only then that I realized I had left my keys in my room. :smack:
So here’s the situation: I rent a room in a shared flat. I’m locked out of my room, and you need a key to get either in or out of the door to the flat, so I’m locked in. My flatmates are out. So I’m standing there trapped in the hallway, bathroom, and kitchen, unable to either leave the flat or re-enter my room.
I sized up the situation, and quickly figured that I had three options:
Wait for my flatmates to return so they could let me out. Then I could go to the reception and get the extra key to my room. This had the disadvantage of taking an unknown amount of time and making me look silly, so I rejected it.
I could look out the mail slot, wait for someone to pass by, call out, and get him or her to go to the reception and explain my predicament to the building manager so she could let me into my room. This had the disadvantage of making me look silly, but it promised to be quicker than waiting for my flatmates, so I kept it under consideration.
I could open the kitchen window, climb out on the scaffolding outside, walk to the window to my room, open it, climb in, and retrieve my keys. This had the advanges of being quick and not alerting anyone to my problem, but it had the disadvantage of making me look like a burgler.
I chose the last one, since it didn’t really seem like too much trouble, and there was little chance anyone would really think I was a burgler. So I opened the kitchen window with some difficultly, climbed out on the scaffolding, and walked over to my window. Opening it from the outside wasn’t easy and it hurt my fingers, but I got 'er done. I then climbed in, got my keys, and left for the day.
Boy I’m a moron.
:smack: :smack: :smack: