I had breakfast with the president!

Of our company, that is. :wink:

Every year, during the month of your hiring anniversary, the president of our company hosts a breakfast at a nearby country club. We’re not talking stale bagels and weak coffee here. We’re talking sausage, bacon, pancakes, eggs, home fries, and juice and coffee.

It’s usually a group of about 15-20 employees, and we sit, eat breakfast, and chat about the company. He even answers questions.

It’s a nice thing the company does every month. And we’re not a small company either…we have over 300 employees scattered across the country.

Our company tried this one, giving out an award whereby Senior Management would come by your jobsite and take you out to lunch to talk to you about what was going on. The first guy opened his company newsletter about a week after he got it and when the form fell out, he thought he was getting fired…Then it took two weeks for everyone to be able to clear their calendars.

When they finally got around to it, they said it was pleasant.

Except that the company was small enough that you could stop by the Chairman’s office any time you wanted, so it was basically a nervous free lunch…

But you’ve got Cecil for that, so I don’t think it’s quite as impressive.