I had dinner with a UFC fighter last night

Hermes Franca, UFC fighter and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt, is in town teaching a three day seminar at our martial arts school. If you’re a UFC fan you might remember him from his title fight with Sean Sherk last June. After last night’s seminar I went out with my instructor and Hermes to grab a bite to eat and he’s just a really nice guy, really sunny disposition and pleasant to be around. I haven’t met a Brazilian yet I didn’t like. Must be the nice weather. :slight_smile:

He’s in town two more days and I thought about starting a “ask the guy who’ll ask a UFC fighter for you” thread, but I don’t want to interrogate him. If you’ve got a good question I might get a chance to ask him, though.

Is the “1-2-3 Club” still open in Rio?

Damn, that was good liberty…

The thread title reminds me of the first time a King of the Kage event was held in my college town. I was pretty hammered, trying to hit on one of the gals at the bar during the afterparty.

Me: “I can’t imagine a mother letting her kid fight in the octagon like that!”

Mindless banter…

Me: “So, what brings you here tonight?”
Her: “My son had a fight tonight, I’m here to support him.”

Umm, whoops! :open_mouth:

Wow, pravnik, that is MAJOR cool! I don’t have a question, per se, but just let him know that his sport is a thing of beauty. It’s the ultimate competition, and has the highest levels of sportsmanship of any sport. Those guys are everything from car mechanics to surgeons, and I have a great admiration for their courage and skill.