It wasn’t scary or anything just very very strange.
Me and my family (Mom, Dad, brother and me) went on vacation somewhere and there was a cabin and we were driving around. Eventually we decdied to go swimming or something and then somehow it turned into an army movie with me as a main character.
We were biking on bicycles trying to get away from planes shooting at us. (I don’t know who was with me but it wasn’t my family) and I got shot in the arm when we were crawling across feilds trying to hide in the grass. Then from somewhere comes another plane… and the pilots were Bert and Ernie. You know, the muppets from sesame street. Well the other plane flies off and then Bert and Ernie crash into a barn then somehow I become Ernie but I’m still myself. (No orange skin and really short my body just I’m Ernie)
Still with a bullet in my arm (more like an implant like someone shoved it in I could run my finger over it and it was only slightly sore and there was no blood) me and Bert ran around and discovered people hiding in the barn… and from there the dream turned into a western… a musical to be exact. Somehow I ended up on a roof and I saw the good guy (dressed all in white) then the bad guy came up (dressed all in black… but he was wearing white sneakers) and they started singing something about the good guy falling in love with the bad guys sister.
I had a dream once that was preceded by a commercial for the Bank of Montreal. I considered writing them a letter saying if they were taking advertising airtime in my subconscious, I would expect them to pay for it.
The other day I dreamed that I was trying to talk to the bartender (this is especially weird since I’m only 19 and haven’t even stepped foot into a bar), but he couldn’t hear me through the bubble-wrap, so I started popping the bubbles. But everytime I popped one, another one would form. So this other guy walks up to me and hands me a spoon, for the rice that I must have been holding the whole time. So I start eating the rice, but everytime I raise the spoon to my face the rice gets up and flies away. So, I grab onto some of the rice as it flies away and it lift me into the sky. And then it got pretty weird.
Unless someone spiked my chips or water I’m not on drugs. Haven’t even been on prescription drugs since I got my wisdom teeth pulled and that was November.
Hey Topaz, are you under any kind of major stress? I ask because I had a series of very vivid dreams last night, all related to something that is bothering me a lot, and that almost kept me from sleeping at all. As with yours, none of them were scary and actually a few were kind of encouraging, but it’s like my brain couldn’t shut down even though my body wanted to.
I’ve had vivid, interesting dreams other times, too, but thought I’d toss this out there.
Thats a good suggestion Rosebud but I haven’t really been under much stress. Maybe just worrying about the future and stuff but what would a dream that has to do with my family, a war, a western musical and Bert and Ernie have to do with my life?
And nor will I mention my dream about my stay in Marilyn Monroe’s haunted house, when her ghostly, disembodied eyelashes chased me all over the place. Oops!
In regard to the OP though, I think it was Freud who thought that in a dream every character is a representation of a different aspect of yourself. Looking at my dream dictionary I see that pursuit could represent “a desperate search for some aspect of ourselves which has been repressed or forgotten.”. Therefore, I conclude that your dream was telling you to get in touch with your Ernie-self.
Here’s one of the strangest dreams that I can remember:
I was with a group of English college students. We broke into this old man’s house, because he had kidnapped a little girl. He wouldn’t tell us where she was, so we poured gasoline all over his kitchen floor, tossed a match, and ran.
As I ran out of the back door as a college student, I ran in the front door as someone else, accompanied by a new group of guys. We had the same confrontation with the old man, and set his house on fire again. We didn’t have a lot of gas, so we used newspaper too.
I ran out front door, expecting the crowd outside to think of me as a hero for killing the kidnapper. Instead, they arrested me. They took me to some prison camp that looked like a shopping plaza. A soldier on the roof threw an assault rifle down to a 5-year-old girl on the ground. She pointed it at my head, and I ducked just in time to hear the bullet zip past my head. I was loaded onto a train, and the little girl came along as a guard.
Late in the night the train derailed. I watched a movie with the little girl in the wreckage. Then I started walking across frontier America with the orphaned children of a pioneer family. We walked all the way to Oregon, cutting a trail most of the way. When we finally arrived, we threw the bones of the orphans’ parents off a cliff into a pond as a funeral ceremony.
Swimming - To dream of swimming, is an augury of success if you find no discomfort in this act.
Airplane - To see an airplane moving in your dreams, suggests that you will soon have cause to make a journey.
Shooting - To dream that you see or hear shooting, signifies unhappiness between married couples and sweethearts because of overweening selfishness. This dream is also indicative of unsatisfactory business and tasks because of negligence.
Wrecks - To see a wreck in yhour dreams, fortells that you will be harassed with fears of destitution or sudden failure in business.
Roof = To find yourself on a roof in a dream denotes unbounded success.
Apparel - White - To see yourself or others appareled in white denoties eventful changes, and you will nearly always find the change bearing sadness.
Apparel - Black - To see yourself or others dressed in black, portends quarrels, disappointments, and disagreeable companions.
And book #2 says -
Swimming - The best of luck in fortune and friends may be expected if you dream of swimming in the nude. If you wear a bathing suit, you will be chastised for failing to recognize someone whom you have recently met.
Crash - From whatever cause, a crash in a dream portends an achievement of some kind.
My conclusion? That you’re in for a rollercoaster ride, or both these books are complete crap.