I had to call 911 last night

I was comming back from a friends house when I saw a car being driven erraticly.

  1. First it tried to make a left at a light where left’s are not allowed
  2. The car behind it started honking and it went straight
  3. Then it was weaving in and out of its lane.
  4. I slowed down so it would pass me because I felt safer behind it
  5. When it almost hit the curb on the other side of the street I called 911.
  6. I followed the car for a few streets while talking to 911 and giving them a description of the car along with it’s licence plate.

I don’t know if they caught the car and the driver had a medical condition or was drunk. I could have done nothing but if the driver got into an accident and hurt or killed someone and I found out I would have felt guilty. This was around 11:45 last night

It’s tough to know what to do in a situation like that. I think you did the right thing MannyL. If the driver was sick, he/she needed help. If the driver was drunk then he/she needed to be stopped before somebody was hurt or killed. Good for you.

I’ve been there. Several years ago I was driving home from dropping a friend off at home. I was stopped at a stop light and a girl in a red car pulled along side me. I glanced over and she was visibly sobbing. Then the light turned green and she sped through it. Moments later, as I was just beginning to accellerate after the stop, I was passed by a truck honking and flashing its lights - at her I assume.

I don’t know what the story was, who she was, or what it was all about. But I wished I could do something. Either comfort her if she was upset. Or calm them down if they were angry. I don’t know what it was.