I hate Canada. Who's with me?

Right – We love you very much, and we don’t mind in the least protecting you and looking after your international interests – hey, what’s a neighbor for? :wink:

Hmmm…virtually everyone I know, in Canada, the U.S., overseas, and now, I’ve discovered, everyone on this message board, HATES Celine Dion and Shania Twain. So, how is it that they’ve each sold about a bajillion albums? Could it be that there are a lot of listeners out there who have yet to “come out of the closet”? :slight_smile:

P.S. - don’t get me wrong, I hate them too! :slight_smile:

::shaking head:: Matt, Matt, Matt…you said

If I recall, you weren’t really Canada yet; you were still a member of that great but no longer existant British Empire. The War of 1812 was between American and the British and their Native American allies (I believe) under Tecumseh. Here’s an interesting site that I found off a **
Canadien** Defense site
http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.1812.html .

Sure ya are; why does the bulk of your population live within 100-200 miles of the US border?

Personally, I like Canada.

I would definately agree that this is one advantage Canada has.

that whole royalty thing pulls at my craw though…I dont believe we should sing "god save the Queen " in the schools.its stupid.
you americans were smart to make the break.

I am a US citizen who lived for 5 years in Canada and am now breathing free air again.
Things I hate about Canada:

Astronomical Taxes
Socialized medicine
Lousy service at stores/restaraunts
Caving into Quebec all the freakin’ time
Bitching about US citizens while unabashedly copying/using/buying what the US produces
The wierd political system
Hockey (I guess I hate that about Iceland, too)
Going back to see my in-laws
Alcohol prices
Southern Ontario

Things I like about Canada:

Gun control
My wife
Beer (Wellington Iron Duke rules!)
The educational system

Things that amuse me about Canada:

Almost everyone in Moncton, New Brunswick has one of 2 last names (right, Kellibelli?)
US envy
All the young men wear a gallon of cologne
The frighteningly friendly natives
They paid for my Ph.D. (and paid me to get it) without any commitment on my part to stick around after I got it.
Canadian women seem to have a real affinity for US men (judging by their behavior, not what they say).

A funny joke about Canadians that Canadians hate (if they get it):

Q: How do you get 100 loud, exuberant Canadians out of a seimming pool?

A: Quietly say “OK everyone, time to get out of the pool.”

fuck! that was FUNNY!
I agree with

um…what are those 2 names you reffered to?

Funny that this thread is called
“I hate Canada. Who’s with me.”

'cuz if it was called
“I hate the United States. Who’s with me.”

the answer’d be pretty much the rest of the world.

Seriously, though, the US is kinda like your crazy uncle that no one ever wants to talk about or visit, but everyone always has a good time when he shows up uninvited.


Just remember, Canada, we here in the U.S. have more nuclear weapons than you do…

::stands up and proclaims:: I own a Shania Twain CD.

Purchasing decision was influenced heavily by the line: “Okay, so you’re Brad Pitt. That don’t impress me much.” Attitudes like that deserve encouragement, IMO.

I was returning to the US when I got harrassed by the boarded people. The thing that really got me was, DAMN! They treated us like we were tip toeing across the boarder with huge sacks full of cocaine and weapons. We were visiting their country, spending our money, visiting NIAGRA FALLS! They treated us like they caught us doing something illegal, which really pissed me off. I had been to Canada many times- this was the first bad incident. And it wasn’t just one of the customs people that was a jerk- they were all really rude and pissy to us. So I will never return there and they can go pound salt for all I care (my mother in law’s phrase…I love it!)

An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; A pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.

zette? It sounds as though you were given the third degree by the U.S. boys. Generally, (on the U.S./Canada border) the country you are departing doesn’t give a flying fig. The country you are entering wants to make sure that you aren’t bringing in anything illegal (guns to Canada, drugs to U.S.). I certainly can’t say that the Canadian border cops couldn’t stop you, but I don’t even remember a booth for the cops to sit in at the departing side of the Blue Water or Ambassador bridges and I have the same sort of memories of the Peace (?) bridge at Niagara. I hope you haven’t been hating the wrong guys all this time.


I’ve noticed that whenever I’m playing a game of “Taunt the Canadians” on IRC, I always get the line about people in Canada knowing more about the US than people in the US knowing about Canada (or the US, in some cases). Works for me: my theory is that if Canada was worth knowing about, we’d know about it. But no one gets to ignore the US :wink:

That said, I like Canada, I guess. Except when my old girlfriend got all involved with a Canadian. But I guess I can’t blame the entire country for that.

“I guess it is possible for one person to make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”

Personally i think Canada is a pretty nice country. Even though most of it is either locked in snow or a stark, permanently frozen tundra (underground mostly, at least in the three months of summer :)). What i love about Canada’s complaints about the US is, they say we suck but then again it’s like a much more polite version of the US. I think this quote from Pinhead of Hellraiser fame explains this: “So eager to play yet to reluctant to admit it” (or something like that :)). I also like how they are so proud of the low crime in their county, then again it’s easy to have low crime when most of your population is near the US border, all in one spot, and your total population is even less than that of California’s. Compare 30,675,398 million for Canada with California’s 32,344,000 in 1994. Wow, one state out of fifty with more people than Canada :)). Gee and i wonder why it looks like the US is rife with crime. Oh and i absolutely love their attachment to Britain :).

Horror! This quote:

Should read:

What i love about Canada’s complaints about the US is, they say we suck and how horrible we are but then they suck quite a bit of our culture into their great society. I think this quote from Pinhead of Hellraiser fame explains this phenomenon: “So eager to play yet so reluctant to admit it” (or something like that).

this is fun :slight_smile:
i like this alot. this is the second thread i have read by an american who “hates” another country.
where were you guys in the thread “is there intellIgent life in iceland?”
and those who were, do you remember what you were saying? (strangely enough, when i choose “show all topics”, this one doesnt come up.)

well whatever, it pleases me that americans are still doing their silly “we are the best”
act. i know lets make a movie about that. it could be about aliens trying to destroy the world, but the americans save the planet. how? plant a computer virus? get an old WWII pilot to do a kamakasi(something like that)on the main reactor(they stole that too)? play a tom jones song…or whatever it was?
or best one yet, we, as in the rest of the world, give them america.
okok. im being silly. but its also silly to hate something. you cant hate a country unless you hate every occupant of that country. and some occupants of america are quite nice, cant think of many posting on this thread though. but the fact is, there are more nice people in canada.

Someone mentioned Canadians driving slowly in the left lane, well…
In 1992 myself and some friends drove up to Winnipeg (from Nebraska), and, with the cruise control set at 92 mph, got passed–repeatedly–by Friendly Mantitoban license plates, once by a truck towing a BOAT, for godssake.

matt_mcl said:

I had no idea we treated our Canadian socialists so harshly!

There is a very good book called 'why i hate canadians’by will ferguson, for everyone reading this, it’s very accurate and very funny. Best story: of a woman who survived a horrible accident on a roadway in LA, she had amnesia, when the cops found her they didn’t have much to go on to discover her identity, it struck them however that she was really quite polite. On a hunch they called in to see if any visiting Canadians had gone missing. You guessed it, she was indeed Canadian. The question is, how polite are you that even after a nasty bump on the head you can’t remember your name, but still watch your P’s & Q’s?

[[We are bigger than you. Check a map.]]
By about 340,000 km. Less than the size of California.

[[We fought you once in 1814. We won. Yep, marched right down into Washington and burned down the White House.]]
Actually that was the British not the Canadians.

[[We have two official languages. You guys don’t even have one.]]
So what?! Obviously it just shows that the US was built by people of all countries. Or we wanted to use English but wanted to snub Britain.

[[Admit it. It is so much cooler to pronounce lieutenant “leftenant”.]]
No it isn’t!

[[Our national anthem actually has the name of the country in it.]]
Our anthem may not mention our name, but at least it doesn’t go on forever.

[[We have fewer political divisions.
We have more political parties.]]
More large political parties that is.

[[We have socialized (i.e. free at point-of-sale) medicine.
If you were a socialist in the US in the fifties, you got blackballed. If you were a socialist in Canada in the fifties, you got elected to the Saskatchewan legislature.]]
The US is very socialist. Yet it does lack many of the better aspects. And refuses to admit its socialism.

[[We have gun-control legislation.]]
So do we but it sucks!

[[You spend far too much on the military.]]
On the most advanced military in the world, the one that is there to protect us from all those other countries that hate us. Maybe we should cut back and get attacked.

[[Metric. Admit it. It is so much easier to multiply by 10 than it is to remember how many rods there are in a furlong.]]
Yes it is, but nobody uses rods and furlongs anymore. It’s just as easy to learn either system when you’re young. It’s not like you can multiply at age 2.

[[We have never had a civil, revolutionary, or Vietnam war.]]
Britain didn’t want you anymore. Is that really a plus?

That’s a damned good point. When I think back now, I don’t remember if I KNEW they were Canadians that stopped us or if I assumed it. Interesting…Well, I take back my Canadian hatred then, just in case. But I hate the friggin’ boarder patrol, then.
Thanks for the possible clarification!!
Whoops- I forgot- you’re supposed to be rude in the pit…
Mind your own friggin’ business and screw you!
:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; A pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.