I hate Old People, so Fucko Off!




It’s probably just creeping senility. There, there. ::pats imthjckaz:: You don’t need to hate yourself.
You have gatopescado to do that for you.
Veb wanders off to put the hairdryer in the dog’s bed and get the roast into the dishwasher.

Ummmm…What’s the age at which a person graduates from “person who counts” to “worthless old person”?

>Dying young, Brainiac. Do I have to spell everything out for you?

Now, now, Priceguy, lighten up.

There could be:

  1. reward for not dying young
  2. punishment for not dying young
  3. reward for dying young
  4. punishment for dying young

tomndebb is in effect saying, “That’s #1? Gee, what’s #2?” and you’re pointing out how obvious #4 is. Plus, tomndebb used the phrase “heaven forfend”, which is just unspeakably cool.

So, what are rules for writing in the Pit? Do I have to curse at Priceguy now, or what?

DG: Good for you. Just an old newbie here. MIL? I think I remember the other one.

Where have you been the last couple of weeks? We missed you. You o.k.?

So this was a joke, right? You don’t really hate old people, do you?

About 40 to 50 years after a person graduates from being “the future” to “just another taxpayer” :wink:

Define “old”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kinda sorta, on both counts. Not hate so much as they just drive me crazy. The “so much traffic we couldn’t stop” kind of nonsense (I mean, this “town” they were talking about has ONE STOP LIGHT!).

Went to my mom’s house tonight and got a butt-load of this crap again. When my head stops hurting, I post some examples.

It’s been my experience that “The meaner you are, the longer God makes you live.”

Dude, MIL is doing this to on purpose!

Well, the problem is that older people have absolutely nothing in common with each other, and you are a bastard for even suggesting it.

Take heart gatopescado, it could be worse. Ever read one of my family member pits? Doing so is the best gift I can offer at this point. Hang in there, there’s always a holiday around the corner for it to get worse. :wink:

I’m fine. Thanks for asking. And I’ve been posting every day. Just not in the same threads with you, I guess. Or am I now being whooshed? :wink:

I’m drinking beer and feeling better now, so here ya go:

Mom:“The priest said to get to Midnight Mass early, so I got there at 11 and had to wait a WHOLE HOUR! And it took A HALF HOUR to get out of the parking lot because I was parked so close to the door!”

The rest of the night, we literally discussed dog shit. See, she has these four rat-dogs (or are they dog-rats?) that controll every aspect of her life and one of them is sick. So, naturally, we discuss the fucking thing’s stool! For three goddamn hours! I had had enough and finally said, “Can we talk about something else other than dog shit?” in between bites of lovely cavier.

Then we had the discussion as to why she hasn’t been able to use the VCR or DVD since my dad died, because “something might happen and then the TV won’t work”. :rolleyes:

My wife has standing orders to kill me in my sleep at the first sign of ear-hair.

Ah, the ear hair ain’t so bad. If it gets long enough and thick enough you can stuff it into your ear canal and block out your MIL’s voice.

If it’s any comfort to you, you personally have little chance of aging your way into an obsession with talking on endlessly about church parking lots and dog feces. The genes for that are obviously on your wife’s side of the family.

The sick dog snuffed it!

Only three more to go! :smiley:

(for the obligatory flood of dog-lovers to tear me a new ass: If you knew these dogs, you would wish they were dead, too. Nothing short of “Fucking Obnoxious”.)