I have an idea for a reality/game show

So now what do I do?

For rather obvious reasons, I’m not going to post the idea itself, but I was hoping to tap the expertise of the Dope for next steps. Who do I talk to? Is there a “new show ideas” department at the networks? Am I better off talking to one of the many production companies? Help!

First off, you’ll have to copyright the idea. Here’s a link that deals with that.

I’m afraid that “just having an idea” won’t cut it though. You’ll have to develop a project. But if you manage to do it you’ll be able to talk openly about it. You’ll even get paid if somebody else makes a very similar show by sheer coincidence.
Then you’ll have to pitch it. Networks don’t actually produce the shows exactly, you are supposed to pitch it to the different production companies (I think). Probably one that has alreay produced reality tv shows.

Please, for the love of all that’s holy, keep it to yourself!:smiley:

Thanks! I’m looking over that site now. Any idea about how many industry people actually troll that site for ideas/pitches? Or is more for the copyright/ownership aspect and then you have to find someone who knows someone and can put you in touch?