My nephew and niece both got Kindle Fire tablets for Christmas, they seem to be nice little tablet devices, reasonably quick, nice screen, and just the right size display that strikes a nice balance between the pocketable smartphone and the larger iPad
I currently have an iPhone 4 (just the standard 16gb non-S model) that I’m happy with, the screen size doesn’t bother me, as it keeps the phone easily pocketable
However, I’ve been wanting to play around with the Android OS a bit as well, I know the Fire has a trimmed down version of Gingerbread, with a custom Amazon interface, so it’s not a 100% pure 'droid OS experience
Basically, it’d be used mainly as a websurfing and Netflix media consumption device, but I already have a perfectly cromulent iPhone and MacBook for that, I’d basically be wasting $200 on a tablet device that has less memory, no multitasking, shorter battery life, and does less than my iPhone, I’d basically be buying it for the larger screen
So, anyone have the Kindle Fire? How is it for a power user and/or someone used to a full featured Android/iOS device
Oh, and BTW, don’t bother suggesting an iPad, it’s too expensive and I don’t really like it anyway
Basically, if I already have an iPhone, barring the larger screen on the Fire, is there any compelling reason to get a Fire?