So today while I was busy in the laundry room with my lovely Persian, when I see a little mouse running across the room. My cat, apple of my eye, mouse catcher in chief… takes one look at the mouse and scurries off to safety,:smack:leaving me miffed and with a mouse problem I hitherto was unaware I had.
I have decided to fire him or failing that a reduction in rations and confinement to his (meaning the guest) room. As I write this he is sulking at me over the telling off he got and sniffing in the general area where we saw the mouse trying to save his job/restore his honour. Sorry, no can do. This is a cat who demands his food and has no problem meowing outside my door until I feed him and he cannot even do his job right? What is the world coming too?
I discovered that one of the cats was earning his or her keep yesterday morning when I stepped on the dismembered remains of one of their muscine victims – a few minutes before I had to take a business call. I’m just damned glad I wasn’t barefoot.
From the way the thread title was punctuated, I thought you had some sort of arrangement with the Broadway show. Like, you contracted the cast members to come over and shed on your furniture.
There was a mouse in my house, and once it was caught in a live trap, my dog stood at the top of the stairs and barked while I went down and dealt with it (brave girl that she is.)
It sounds to me that your cat is doing its job of being lovely and the apple of your eye. But if you wanted a cat that would catch mice, a Persian wouldn’t exactly be my first choice…
My first apartment was very small. Fred’s bowls were in the bathroom, less than 5 feet away from the end of our bed. I learned that I had mice because I found mouse dookies in the catfood bowl. LOTS of dookies, the mice were having a party while my intrepid cat was sleeping less than 8 feet away.
I got some live traps and when I caught the first one, I showed the mouse to Fred while complaining that I shouldn’t be doing this, it was his job. The mouse squeeked and Fred ran off and hid under the couch.
It is not really a hunger thing. Cats have to be taught how to catch mice. My 20 year old ex- barn cat has never missed a meal in her life, and was catching mice up until last year, when the blonde cat took over. The 20 year old is a murder machine, and has slain mice, spiders, centipedes, crickets and nest of wasps, without being stung.
I’m sorry. Without the apostrophe in the title, I thought you were talking about Cat5, the Ethernet cabling standard, and I was all prepared to rant about inflexible cable and connectors that break too easily.
As I read through your thread, the most important thing to teach your cat to catch mice is to play. You need a string and stick with either a cat nip mouse toy or just a bell mouse toy. using a safety pin connect the mouse to the string to the stick (need some glue for this) then use the toy to entice your cat to play. Having observed a mother cat teach her litter the joy of jumping on and hunting to her litter, this will take a little time. My last cat came to me without this understanding and after a week of play with the fake mouse on the stringie thingie he is now an ace with more that 5 confirmed kills. They are what you teach them.
I have to say, persians are mostly dumb blondes. I had one that fell off the same window sill; every day.
That said, I had a mongrel kitty that caught a mouse and gave it a bath. No eating ot killing involved.
Yeah, no. Not always.
Lucy was an outdoor cat, chasing her dinner down every day. Then she came to me. Give her a fake mouse, she’ll go nuts. I have had numerous fake mousie heads dropped in my lap. She sat and stared at me when a real mouse ran past her.
Dot and Maymie have been entirely indoor cats. We play with them at least an hour a day - string toys, laser pointers, fake mice, hell they have a laundry basket full of toys. Dot brought me a dead mouse once. Maymie let me know of another mouse, but did nothing about it (then again, her snuggle toy is a stuffed mouse).
I think either they are mousers or they aren’t. Lucy had to hunt, is past that now.
I’ve always heard this, but I had a splendid little mouser who WOULD hunt just about anything, but her mother, despite numerous opportunities, just couldn’t be bothered.
So do you want Memories or Jellicle Cats? Or Sing It Big And Loud?