I have failed!

Wow, bummer for you. Better luck next time.

Somehow, I was under the impression all kids everywhere were dying to drive as soon as they could.

I got my license when I was 16, on the first try, and have always had a car (no matter how crappy it was).

I failed twice. my cousin failed five times (those california highway exams, …shudder…). I know a friend who failed twice.

However, my brother made the first time. two of my labmates made it the first time.

We all drive cars now.

you get the idea…

Just hang in there.

I failed twice before I got my license…Very frustrating. Recently my friend got his license as well, did it on the first try with MINIMAL practice beforehand- I say it is a fluke of luck :mad:

Incubus - this is what makes me really angry as well - all these people I know passed on their first try with nothing more than a few hours of tooling around the city. Whereas I have been out there every single day, driving until my hand hurts, and I still fail!

I just can’t believe the amount of emotional upheaval this has caused me - it makes me so angry to see bad drivers on the road now, and I am so upset with myself for being such a knob and failing. As I mentioned before, I have ripped more than one friends head off for offering me well-meant advice, and I am stressed out about the amount I have spent now in gas / lessons / tests. Is it really worth all this stress?

I was perfectly happy with the bus / friends rides for 23 years, and I can’t afford to buy or maintain a car anyways, so I have to admit the idea of just giving up right now seems pretty appealing.