I have jury duty tomorrow...

…what should I wear?

Need answer in the next 10 hours. It’s 7:30 pm CST

Just something nice.

Be comfortable, but be somewhat formal.

Business casual.

But that’s just what I’d wear. When I was called, people showed up in all varieties of attire.

Wear black robes and carry a talisman.
Tell them you prefer Slytherin, but you’ll take whatever.

Star Trek uniform!

Princess Leia costume.

I was wondering if I could get away with a sweater and black jeans–the jeans don’t have contrasting top stitching or anything–straight legs–don’t look like jeans. Temp will be in the 40’s, and I’m taking the bus so I’ll wear my L.L.Bean wool jacket (deep wine heather). I want to be comfortable, and I don’t want to stand out. I’m going to bring a stripped-down purse with essentials–wallet, kindle, house key, lipstick. They have free wifi in the jury room. No knives, scissors, knitting needles, nail file, or taser.

I think that’s fine, especially if the jeans look more like dress pants.

Business casual is the best answer. You could be participating in a legal procedure. It is not a party. Wear comfortable, non-revealing clothes. The jury waiting room (in Dallas, at least) is a very large, open room. It might be chilly.

I am on Standby jury duty on Tuesday.

That should be fine. Seriously, I saw people in shorts and halter tops. In raggedy jeans and t-shirts with obnoxious slogans. And people in suits and ties.

Now I don’t know if any of these people, once selected for a jury panel, were accepted by the lawyers for the actual jury. I was cut loose before lunchtime as I was not needed for anything.

Once, I saw a guy in biballs and a flannel shirt with work boots.

I was on a jury once and a juror was reprimanded by the judge for what she was wearing. (It was awfully revealing.) And once in the main jury room a man was sent home for wearing flipflops and shorts. This was in Los Angeles and I think most people were absolutely stunned that there would be anything too casual to wear in LA.

The first day, you’ll be given an orientation talk, and they’ll cover any specific dress-code items. Yeah, business casual should be fine.

Not recommended is any T-shirt with sayings you might think are cute. The judge will probably disagree.

I haven’t been cute since about 1975. :dubious:

Sweater and black jeans should be just fine. With a FUCK DA POLICE tee shirt underneath that you can strip down to if you do get called onto a panel.

When I did jury duty a few years ago I wore exactly what I wear to work - jeans, tank top or tshirt, sneakers or boots. My law office is very,very casual-dress. And if I’m only getting paid $5 per day for jury duty, I’m not breaking out anything that needs to be dry cleaned.

A tank top to work in an office? Are you on the maintenance staff?

Nope. Legal secretary. My office is super casual, most of the time I’m more formally dressed than the partners - at least I’m wearing shoes!

A thermos full of hot coffee might be good to have.

Do you want to do jury duty? If you don’t, a thermos full of vodka might get you out of it.


Like people said, business casual is fine. Something presentable under the sweater if you have to take it off, and shawl to put on if needed – large government buildings often have eccentric heating/cooling systems.

Also, be sure to bring a supply of reading materials – you are likely to be spending a large amount of time just waiting around.