I have raspberries, butter, and lemon and I need to make some sort of dish...

You can make a raspberry coulis (sauce) with the raspberry and lemon. It goes really, really well on pork and duck and pretty well with chicken too. But beware, raspberry coulis is quite tart, so you only need a little bit. Then, make a salad with raspberries and squeeze lemon juice on it. Finally, have you ever eaten the lemon bar? The kind with the butter/wheat flour crust and the lemon filling? You can do the same with a raspberry filling. Make the two fillings separate and then swirl them together in the pan so there’s a distinct color and flavor pattern going on.

Dang, now I’m hungry.

You could do small phyllo packages containing chicken or pork, goat cheese and candied lemon, drizzled with or sitting on top of raspberry reduction. Could look something like this or this.

It’s also possible to “mount” the butter into that sauce. As Emeril would say, “you could put that on a shoe! Bam! Garlic!”

Its not a thing and I’ve decided against it. I dunno what I was thinking, I guess as some kind of weird garnish? That idea came to me before the mashed potatoes and for some reason I didn’t abandon it until last night

Last night I made most of the stuff, but didn’t do the raspberry sauce. Cooked the chicken in butter, low heat on a pot for like 30-40 minutes. It was tender, but not tender enough, I’m gonna try again tonight and for longer period of time.

I whipped together some basic mashed potatoes out of an instant mix, used the butter leftover from the chicken and squeezed in some lemon juice. Its different, the lemony buttery mashed potatoes, but it was good! I’ll do more tonight, add in some black pepper and garlic for more flavor.

That sounds good but I’m afraid I don’t have the skill to make anything with a filling. I’ve never baked a pie, if that’s relevant, so I don’t actually know how to make a crusty bread thing with sweet fruit filling inside, nevermind just making the sweet fruit filling itself.

That seems like it requires some crazy skill! Don’t even know where to get the phyllo

The way I think I’m going to serve it is one of two ways: first, placing the chicken or duck on top of a pile of the mashed potatoes with some raspberry sauce drizzled on the chicken/duck, or two, put a bit of the sauce on a plate with the chicken on top, and serve the mashed potatoes separately.

I think the first way looks better, I’ve seen confit with sauce, something that looks like mashed potatoes, and duck on top, but I’m afraid the raspberry sauce will drip down too much and mix with the mashed potatoes. The 2nd idea looks not as fancy, but the taste would probably be isolated better. Or maybe I’ll just do the sauce side by side with the mashed potatoes and put the bird in the middle.

Slow roasted duck empanadas with a raspberry dipping sauce!

Nearly every grocery store has a section of weird stuff in the frozen section. You’ll find it there, usually Pillsberry brand, along with puff pastry and a few other oddities.

The lemon bars are easy-peasy. The crust just sits as the bottom layer and doesn’t need to be shaped as a pie crust. Recipe here.

For the raspberry filling, mash rasberries with about 1-1/2 cups sugar and a cup of water (and add a squeeze of the lemon juice). Cook gently, stirring. When it starts to bubble, it’s done.

That sounds really yummy.

It looks more “complete” the first way–as in, everything is unified into a single, coherent presentation, but you really don’t want to put raspberry sauce on mashed potatoes. Anyone even thinking somewhat critically about what you are presenting will immediately see the problem, and be filled with apprehension before taking even the first bite. Remember, this is not a KFC Failure Bowl. Not everything has to be mixed together.

If you insist on the mashed potatoes, I suggest you serve them separately. My suggestion is to replace the mashed potatoes entirely with a salad, as it’s both healthier and pairs better with the lightness of the fruit.