I had to take my dalmatian, Pixel, to have her bandages changed - she had a lump removed from her leg 2 weeks ago and it’s healing slowly. These bandages have been bright - blue or red or green or pink - but today’s was white. So Dr. Garner drew several black spots on it - so it’d blend in with the rest of the dog!
Cracked me up!!!
Yep, pretty mundane and pointless, but I had to share…
That’s cute. Hope your dog is well soon.
Don’t forget to look for the line item on the bill.
Marker Ink . . . . . . . . . . . . $43.29
That’s funny. I hope your baby is doing much better and back to normal very soon.
I just think it’s cute you have a dal named Pixel. 
Does she magically go through walls to take herself out???
Hoosier Daddy?!
Pix is recovering nicely, thanks - it drives her crazy that she can’t lick her boo-boo, but other than that, you’d never know she had surgery. However, she never was, nor will she ever be normal. Trust me on that one!
We use the Humane Society Clinic - their fees are lots less than other local vets and their “profits” support other services that the society provides. So I feel like I’m taking care of more than just my doggie! 
No, I have the coolest 'vette. It’s a 2002 convertible. And I just ordered it from the dealership last weekend. And it’s got this really cool Heads Up Display and a power telescoping steering wheel and it goes really fast.
Oh wait…wrong thread. Sorry.
So how about a picture of the pup, and a close-up of the bandage?
That is a funny vet. Make sure your dog sends him a holiday card each year!
Along these lines, I am a sometime participant on a breed-related list. There are a lot of rescue volunteers on the list, and many of the vets they use give them 50% off vet services for their rescue dogs. In December of every year, we publish a little “hero” list of these vets and their practices, and anyone who wants to sends them a card to say thanks. These vets get like 60-75 cards from dogs all over the country! They love it. It’s a nice way to say “What you do matters, and people do know about it.”
screech-owl - there is a pic of Pix on my homepage, tho it’s an oldie. I’ll try to get her to sit still long enuff to take a shot of the bandage and post that also. I think I’ll sent the clinic a pic of the bandage for their records. 
Cranky - Pixel was a rescued dog - she was about 6 months old when we took her in - it’s taken 7 years for her to mellow, tho, and I make sure people know that when them mention wanting a dalmatian. Knowing what I know now, I’d have adopted a different breed. Still, she’s a sweetie, as is her vet.
Pictures of Pixel and her bandage are on my home page. She was licking the bandage so it’s not a good looking as when it was fresh, but the effect is there… Enjoy!