Her new song *Steve McQueen * came on the radio and right at the beginning of the 2nd verse, there it was, plain as the day is long, *You’ll never catch me tonite o I ain’t takin’ * shitoff no one.
Ah well, it’s on a bonehead Top 40 station up in Maine, so I’m fairly positive no one will give a rats ass, but it was still interesting to actually hear one of The Seven on the radio.
You haven’t lived until you’ve heard BBC Radio 1 mistakenly play the unedited version of that Rage from the Machine song (that goes "F*** you, I won’t do what you tell me A LOT) at around 5pm on a Sunday afternoon during the top 40 run down.
I’ve heard the Steve Miller song “Jet Airliner” on the radio more than once, including the line that contains “funky s*** goin’ down in the city”. It all depends on the individual radio station.
I also heard David Crosby use the “s” word in a live radio interview, where the interviewer didn’t censor him. Not only that, I heard the same interview rebroadcast on tape, and it still wasn’t censored.
During the MTV Music Awards Show, Pink was singing “Just Like A Pill” and the radio always skews that word, which I don’t know why, but MTV showed it with her singing/saying Bitch, and they rebroadcast the Pink song without skewing Bitch.
Also Pink at the MTV Awards, when she won some award she said in her speech, something like “I’m too drunk for this Shit”
MTV aired it, and re-aired it without bleeping.
I don’t think the FCC is making the actual day-to-day decisions on these things. Each radio station decides what it wants to play, and how far it thinks its listeners will let it go. The FCC only gets into it if there are specific complaints. I don’t know what the actual FCC guidelines say, but they may be open to interpretation.
Perhaps then, if they respond with negative action only against complaints, maybe they would consider allowing more uncensored radio on recieving compliments for this sort of thing?
McLachlan. And I heard that too. It was the live version from the Lilith Fair album. When they played the studio version from Sarah’s album, it was blanked out.
I have no idea why they left in the naughty naughty word in the live version.
What century are you all in? Revolution by Jefferson Airplane not only had air time it was a major hit. And included “Up against the wall mother fucker”. That’s like 1971 or so.
Besides who listens to the radio anymore? CD players in cars, DVD players in homes. Cable TV.
Sheryl Crow is cool though. Some really nice lyrics.
Re: Up against the wall MF
David Peel and the Lower East Side anyone?
My, it was long ago in my gradeschool buddy’s basement, listening to his older brother’s albums, smoking tiparillos…
I always listen to hear whether they will bleep Chrissie Hynde spitting the F-word in a certain Pretenders tune.
I have a cassette player and **no **CD player in my car, nor do I have plans to get one anytime soon. I trade off between the radio and tapes on the way to work in the morning and listen to the radio It’s the Don & Mike Show, and they’ll say what they wish!!! on the way home.
WSLer- Did you hear when Don & Mike played The Who’s “Who Are You?” on their show for the explicit purpose of allowing the lyric “So who the f*** are you?” to be played? (While trying to get the station lawyer on the phone to see if it was cool)
Radio gold I tell’s ya…Opie & Anthony could only have dreamed…
There were two songs in the late 70s that got plenty of airplay with the word “shit” in them. One was Steve Forbert’s “Romeo’s Song” ("…Been shovelling shit for so long…") and another, artist’s name forgotten, called “Play Guitar” (“Forget all about that macho shit and learn to play guitar!” Sound advice for all the late 70s guitar heroes who copped more KISS licks than Eric Clapton ones).
More recently, there was Lyle Lovett’s (only slightly expurgated) “Give Back My Heart”: “Give back my heart, shit-kickin’ redneck woman/Take these boots and walk out of my life.”
Hey, there’s shit a’plenty to be had on the airwaves!
Oh, the line that goes “Forget about all of that macho @#%GLISH@# and learn to play that guitar.”
That’s how I heard it in Charlotte, NC.
It all depends on the radio station’s policy (or, considering the Clear Channel monopoly, what CC thinks). Since it took only one complaint about the airing Carlin’s Seven Dirty Words routine to launch the court case that became FCC vs. Pacifica, some stations are very leery about fucking up, so to speak.
Move to your left, move to your right, … best thing you’re gonna find!
I do the same thing as you. Used to be easier when I lived in a city that had them on a real station, as opposed to the East German-quality transmission I get in Richmond, VA.
I hear Who Are You all the time, with “Who the fuck are you?” unedited. And, as was said above, that Pink Floyd song and Jet Airliner also go unedited.