I [heart] Michelle Obama

Smart as all hell, gorgeous, stylish without breaking the bank, charming, approachable …

… and she’s starting the first vegetable garden at the White House since Eleanor Roosevelt’s Victory Garden.

God I love that woman.

I heartily agree.

Michelle in 2016!

Could she be any more amazing?

Can’t wait to see what other changes she can make over the next few years… it’s been far too long since we’ve a proper female role model in the White House.

She makes cookies?


I’m also a big fan of the First Lady. She has the kids doing housework chores, too.

White House compost! That’s rich.

D.C. gossips are getting catty over Michelle’s sleeveless garments, but the National Rifle Association firmly defends her right to bare arms.

Dang! The map with the NY Times article is clearly the spring map – all spinach and lettuce and peas. I want to see what’s going in after the early stuff poops out. And I want to know varieties, dammit! Heirloom tomatoes or modern hybrids? What kind of peppers? Inquiring minds want to know!

(Pres. Obama doesn’t care for beets?!? And I thought the man was perfect.)

Clearly, he’s never enjoyed properly-prepared beets. :smiley:

Very cool. Heirloom tomatoes are mentioned in the article, freckafree, so I’m thinking there’s a chance they’ll be planting them.

Okay, that is seriously cool.

Our Canadian politicians are looking more and more last-century now.

I missed the heirloom reference, GT! So, which ones do you think? Under present circumstances, I think Mortgage Lifter would be a most appropriate choice!

I love that they’re going to have bee hives, too.

I was wondering about the tomato thing myself, as they’re my absolute favorite garden crop, there is nothing that can compare to a vine ripened heirloom, open pollinated tomato

once the cherry tomatoes run their course in my Aerogarden, I’ll be planting some bigger ones, a Beefsteak plant, and a Brandywine plant

I also discovered that using a fish emulsion/seaweed fertilizer really improves the taste of vine-ripened 'Maters, they become much sweeter and richer tasting

I can’t wait to see how the First Garden works out

every day this cynical, jaded, politician-hating, antisocial tech becomes more impressed with the Obamas, it seems that every day they become more approachable, and just plain “regular” folk, so far the power of the Presidency has not seemed to have affected them in a negative manner, if anything, President Obama seems to be becoming more humble, down to earth, and just plain accessible (attitude-wise), they seem no different than your average next-door neighbors

And this is coming from someone who despises the hero-worshipping, messianic cult that seems to follow the Obamas around, Michelle Obama has set the bar for First Lady exceptionally high, bravo!

Here are a bunch of great pictures of the Ground Breaking. That picnic must have been so fantastic for the kids!

Yeah, I love her too. I’m trying to keep track of everything she does. Last night she had a do regarding women’s career goals and invited several local high school girls to dine at the White House. Here’s one article (with pictures). Here’s another (with different pictures).
This is from St. Patrick’s Day, when she visited YouthBuild. And [shallow]wore the coolest boots[/shallow]. That night she and the president threw a SPD party, complete with green drinks and green lighting! Fun fun fun.

And O’Bama is a fine Irish name!

Resisting urge to make Black Irish joke…

I wish I had a daughter so I could point to her and say “See, this is how it’s done.”

I’m not a fan of the Obamas, but growing vegetables is a lot of fun. I’m glad the First Girls will be able to dig in the dirt and water the plants and pick their crops.

Hmmm…it’s spring, and my herb garden only has a big ass rosemary plant in it…I might have to pick up some new plants next week…

Add me to the Hooray list for Michelle Obama being a great First Lady! Loved this week’s Heels on the Ground school program, and, being a green industry gal, love the Whitehouse garden. They’re going to have beehives, too ! All whupped up here because I just finished our local Bee School to learn beekeeping, and it’s a great component of sustainable gardening.

A good note: it’s going to be backed up with iniatives and programs for organic gardening in the USDA. Word from Ag friends is that there is a new crop of smart Ag agents being appointed to develop sustainable/organic programs on a national level. Tried to find links, but not up on official webpages yet.

You’re crumbling. Soon…soon…

A very shallow but fun interview with Michelle.

Among other things, french fries are her favorite food, and her husband teases her about her wardrobe.

I like this bit where she’s talking about her indulgent mother.

To paraphrase Bill Cosby, “This is not the same person she grew up with. She’s looking at an old woman who is trying to get into Heaven.”

Yanno, now that we’re open to googling, it’s possible one of her staff members will see this and send her the link.

waves Keep up the great work, Michelle! Say hi to the girls and your mom – and, oh yeah, your husband. waves some more

People in my grad program have to do an internship over the summer, and one of my classmates is applying to work in Michelle’s office. I hope she gets it because [fantasy] then we would all get invited to the White House to meet Michelle and then we’d hang out and maybe go shoe shopping with her and BE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER.[/fantasy]