Yesterday, sitting at my computer, I get an ICQ spam message. No big deal, one of those “check out my pictures” spams. Being bored, I click thru on the URL. 75,000 windows immediately open up on my computer. I dilegently close them all, and click the “ignore all future events from this user” button on ICQ. When I want porn, it’s certainly easy enough to find. I give the matter no further thought.
Fast forward to last night. I open my favorites tab, and notice that 3-4 new bookmarks have been added. “Lolitas videos”, “First source for pedophiles”. WTF???What the fucking fuck? How in the hell did this trash get in my bookmarks? Disturbed, I clicked on one of the links. Another zilloin windows poped open. Some of them were normal sites- y’know, the kind where some 30 year old puts her hair in pigtails and becomes a “fresh, innocent teen”?Yea, right.:rolleyes: Others tho…This was honest to god child porn! What makes you think I want a link to a picture of a 3-4 year old girl masterbating a grown man? That’s just fucking sick! I’m sure that in the pay area, I could have found pictures of your vile ass fucking that poor girl as well! How dare you…HOW DARE YOU, slip these disgusting links into my bookmarks without my knowing about it!
So, I did what any right thinking citizen would do. I called the FBI, specificaly their “innocent images” division, right down the road in Calverton, Md. I explained what happened, and gave the URLs for these sites. I sincerely hope they track down the “people” responsible for this. I swear, if the founding fathers had know about this, they would have left the “cruel and unusual punishment” clause out of the Constitution. NOTHING…and I mean NOTHING, is too cruel and unusual for the pervayers of this type of filth.
Assholes. I think I need another shower. I still feel filthy.
All I can say is…EWWWWW! That is just so…EWWWW! <makes gagging sound>
It is just so sad and sickening that vile creatures abuse children so wantonly. They deserve to be locked in a cell with a vicious homosexual rapist and/or serial cannibal. It makes me ill knowing that these beasts share the same planet.
What’s scary is the idea of WeirdDave unknowingly having those bookmarks or possibly pics stashed in his Internet cache, and then needing to take the computer to the shop, or having a spouse or family member find them. You had a narrow escape.
Ewwwwww. Just reading this made me fill up with ire again at the thought of the freshly KILLEDHACKEDSLASHEDTODEATH Bonzi Buddy who invaded my computer the other day. Not to hijack from your post, Dave, but that thing made me blue in the face.
Glad you called too - how do you find out if anything was done? (or was that a horribly naive question…)
Do what I do, and leave your browser’s Java and JavaScript turned off. Takes care of all that multiple-window scunge and the undesirable stuff therein.
Now, anybody who’s read these boards for long enough know that I’m about as open to bizarre stuff as the next guy. I guess that makes it all the more interesting when I say that those who traffic in child porn should be forced to have sex with a meat grinder.
yeah, let’s exercise some mob vengeance some more!
Let’s go back to the 80s where everyone was guilty if only suspected!
How many people do you think could be killed by this crap if word gets out that they are “abnormal” (as if any criminals are normal) and then killed or worse?
dont get me wrong, people who do this sort of thing deserve a fate worse than death, but hell if I know who is guilty or not even after a trial what with the mental capacity of the average juror.
That said, don’t ask for my opinion on certain former european heads of state :mad:
Something very similar happened to my friend. However, the site he opened originally wasn’t a porno site, but a seemingly legit business site.
When he went there, so many new browser windows opened up that it crashed his computer. When he rebooted, he had a porno on his desktop, and a bunch of new links were added to his bookmarks.
It turns out that was an underground child porn ring. Well, they didn’t last long once my friend provided them with the source IP address, MAC address, NetBIOS name, etc…
He got a very nice “Thank you” letter from the FBI.
This should be a serious warning to you that your security settings are set way too low. The fact that they could alter anything on your system is shocking enough, let alone what it was. Get into you security settings and tighten some things up.
The first thing you need to do is have Active ‘X’ on your system ask for a prompt for anything it wants to do. From what I’ve experienced, that is the biggest area of concern, for now.
Surely people that set up these sorts of site’s are guilty? Wierdave from what I could see was talking about the people that set up, peruse and participate in them, and that surely makes them guilty? He isn’t talking about a particular person or mentioning any names.
Who cares what happens to these “abnormal” people, they didn’t care about the younge kids they abused, and I certainly have no compassion for them.
Yes agreed.
The average juror is the average person. What else can I say? <shrug> Ludovic, I’ve read and re-read your post, and I’m still not sure of the point your making. As for the mob mentality of these people being killed ect, I have no problem with that.
I’ve probably got the wrong end of the stick here, so correct me if I do.
He means the 80s. What, you don’t remember the “Satanic Ritual Abuse” cases, which sent a lot of people to prison and which, in all likelihood, were completely fictional?
While I agree that the revulsion factor of child sexual abuse is so high that we may well sometimes convict a person out of a desire to make someone pay for these horrible things, overall I feel that photographic evidence is much more conclusive than recovered memories.
I don’t want to sound like a paranoid, guvmint-mistrustin’ ass, but may I make a further suggestion?
If you’re using an MS OS, delete all of your temporary files and history. Then, go to your Recycle Bin, select all of those files, and do a ctrl+del. That supposedly erases the files for real, rather than merely replacing the first letter of the file with a tilde (~). You might want to go one step further by de-fragging your hard drive.
Why? Well, one of my lawyer friends argues that merely having on your computer evidence of visiting one of those sites is potentially punishable by law. Furthermore, by reporting the offense, you also may have raised a red flag, on the premise that kiddie-porn traders often rat each other out. Make sure “they” can’t find anything incriminating, should “they” come calling. You don’t want that shit on your system, anyway.
You shook the right hand of a large bureaucracy, but watch out for its left jab.
I’ve always heard that child molesters that made it into jail were treated differently (VERY badly) by the general jail population…so it’s really true?
My cousin was a guard in a maximum-security prison(name withheld) and he told us stories that would curl your…well, would gross you out. He said it is true, at least in his observation, at the prison he worked at, that molestors get treated badly. He said that even the worst murderers(who never thought they were bad) “proved” they were okay by having someone even worse to look down on. That would be the molestors.