I just found out I have treasures!

I’m trying to raise money for my mortgage, so I started digging through some stuff to sell. Back in the '80s, when I had money, I bought two Stephen King first editions, Cycle of the Werewolf and Creepshow. They didn’t cost a lot, maybe $50 for the first and $30 for the other. I also have a 1986 SK calendar that’s never been used.

I did some checking on line and the Cycle of the Werewolf sells for about $1500! If I can get $800 for that and maybe a bit less for the other two, I’m home free! I called a local bookseller and I have an appt this morning. He was very interested.

I won’t have to sell grandma’s crystal after all!

Very cool, picu! Good luck!

On a much smaller scale, I once bought a copy of, IIRC, The Dead Zone for fifty cents at a Goodwill. It was to be a reader, but happened to be in pristine shape, particularly considering it was a plain old mass market PB. Well, when I went to read it, I found King’s autograph on the title page. AFAIK, it was real. Sold it on eBay for thirty bucks or so.


Wow. I wish I had the spare bucks for that calendar.

Well, the interwebs have failed me again. The $1500 price was overly optimistic, in fact downright wrong. He offered me $80 for the Cycle $30 for the second book and $20 for the calendar. I didn’t take it, but I’m no longer expecting to pay the mortgage with it.

I guess grandma’s crystal has to go after all. That’s ok, I think it’s ugly. There were also some hand-painted dishes in the house when we moved in that I’ll take to the antique shop, maybe they are mre than just ugly plates.

I’m not going to get my hopes up. Borrowing from the in-laws and listening to how irresponsible we are is inevitable. :rolleyes:

I’m sorry to hear about the money problems, but at least you still have your treasures. :frowning:
Good luck with the crystal.

Thanks, we’ll be fine. Hubby’s folks have helped out all the other kids. They had to indure the lecture on money management from the old man too.
Hubby’s the youngest, so gets lectured frequently, anyway. We’ll just have to standup and take our medicine.

I believe that King has commented that if you ever find a copy of one of his books (I think it was The Stand) that he hadn’t autographed, you should hold onto it, because those are rare and probably worth something.