I Just Got 6 Tickets AT ONCE by seven COPS. SHEESH

This could ONLY have happened to you, Bill.

I’m sorry, but WHY spin your tires? What’s the point? Nice way to kick up gravel.

The drunk cop thing-I find that extremely hard to believe.

Frankly, Bill, ARE you taking those steroids?

maybe you and Homer should switch user names…

I know.

Uhh I am a kid at heart. And if I didn’t act wild in some way, according to everyone on the board I would have to change my user name.

He wasn’t drunk. He was just trying to cut me off at the pass(western term).

Now guin, I couldn’t answer a question like this. But I do think at least 3 of those cops were.


Uhh, why can’t you? It’s a simple “yes” or “no” question.

Because he doesn’t want to admit to illegal activity on a public message board?

Unsolicited maternal advice:

  1. Don’t take the stand if you want to “get off.” Your attitude and words are pretty damning.

  2. You may be a kid at heart, but legally you are an adult. Your driving privileges are conditional upon your behavior.

  3. If I had 7 cops chasing me, for any reason, I might take a quiet moment to ponder what I had done to precipitate this series of events. You seem to be trying to avoid your share of the responsibility in this incident.

  4. If you want to act wildly, I would strongly suggest finding an alternative form of amusement. You may be quite willing to risk your life for kicks, but those who have to share the road with you are not.

Bill do you live in a small town???

I’m asking since it occurs to me that your fondness for hot rodding may be a ‘known’ commodity (my dad, for instance was known as a lead foot - we’d sometimes see a speed trap 2 houses away from us, right around the time dad would normally come down the street, and the cop would leave after writing my dad up - it was the ‘Herb patrol’)

you’ve had a couple of recent run ins, haven’t you? (remembering some thread recently about you falling asleep in your car somewhere, shot gun shells on the floor of your car etc…) are we gonna be hearing about you on CNN???

“Police stand off with crazed driver in Texas”

I had a cop draw down on me for putting the keys to my motorcycle in my pocket. Some cops go a little overboard. I got pulled over in this little speed trap town inbetween Fort Worth and Arlington for my tail-light being out on my BSA. I Stopped on the side, got turned off the bike. I went to put my keys in pocket and Barney Fife draws his gun and starts yelling at me to get my hands out of my pockets. I explain, politely, that I’m just putting up my keys, and kept my hands away from my sides from then on. Barney seemed to calm down, his partner who hiding behind the spot light still seemed a bit antsy though. He takes my insurance and liscense and tells me my tail light is out. I ask him politely if I can check my tail light he says ok. SO I get my keys out my pocket, and he starts yelling at me again, and trying to get his gun out his holster, until he sees the keys(and I calmly explain I was just getting my keys. I turn on the key and the tail light comes on. I point at it and say “It seems to be working officer”, and he says “It wasn’t working when we stopped you…” about this time a friend of mine’s wife pulls into a parking lot by us, and starts to walk over to see if I needed someone to pick up my bike(she thought I might have warrants for traffic stuff…I didn’t_), and they get on the the P.A and start screaming at her to get back in her car. Barney then tells me that he is writing me a ticket for no insurance, and one for the tailight. I said “I showed you insurance”, and he said “well, its not valid”, and I asked him to show me what was wrong with it, and took a step forward so I could see the card…And he puts his hand on his gun and starts telling me to back up. So I just signed the tickets, and got out of there, then handed them over to an attorney who got them all dismissed. I hate that town.


Wow, that is quiet a story too. Yea, cops don’t like motorcycle riders either. What is a BSA? BTW I used to live around Fort Worth and Arlington in a little town called Hurst.

I wonder if next time that cops start hassleing us, we say you know what you work for the taxpayers and since I am a taxpayer YOU’RE FIRED!!! :smiley:

Wow WB! That’s all you can say? How about answering some of the questions directed towards you in last few posts. I also find it VERY difficult to believe that there were seven cops chasing you and you didn’t notice it…


I thought I did answer all the questions posted that I could answer that is (thanks enugent for that. :wink: ). What questions are you talking about? To answer your question at first there was one cop then all the others showed up ok.

Wring, yea, I live in town of 350,000 people. I don’t show up on the news though. Man these tickets are expensive. I don’t want anymore.

That may explain it. You may be seen as the local menace on the road, and they’ll be haunting your known routes for a while.

Ease back on the accelerator (that’s the long thing on the right), and start driving like they taught you in Driver’s ed.

Tickets play havoc with your discretionary income.

My apologies WB…the board seems to be lagging quite a bit and I didn’t see a couple of your prior responses. I still wonder just HOW a cop that wasn’t there to SEE the suspected offenses could write you a ticket for the same.

My advice, FWIW, lighten up on the gas pedal…

Also, FWIW, I live in a town of less than 200,000 and even when I got pulled over for DWI a few years ago (which I rightly deserved), only ONE extra cop showed up and that was just to perform a breathalyzer test. This was why I was wondering about the AMOUNT of cops.

Carry on…

Just a little tip. When dealing with the police, particularly after you’ve been pulled over, don’t use your mouth to write a check your ass can’t cash.

The first cop pulled me over. Then I had to wait 10 or 15 minutes with a bunch of angry cops until the cop that saw me do the offenses showed up. That was alot of fun.

I got a ticket when I ws in high school for running a stop sign, and the cop didn’t see me do it (Wssn’t anywhere near the intersection). If I hadn’t hit that Vega I would have gotten away with it! :smiley:

Wildest Bill
Further discussion of this and other incidents are being discussed with a different emphasis than is appropriate for this thread and this forum over here.


Yeah, I know where hurst is. BSA stands for Birmingham Small Arms, or Bastard Stopped Again, depending on who you talked to. The were a maker of Motorcycles up until 1973, and were sorta like a triumph. This all happened in Pantego, or Dalworthington Gardens…I cant be sure because these two little speed traps inhabit the same stretch of road. I don’t remember which particuler Barney it was that pulled me over that time.

I think my recod for a traffic stop was around nine or so. But it was me, another friend on a motorcycle, and a friend of ours and his girfriend in a flat black volkswagen thing. That was back when the FWPD had decided that I was in a gang of some sort(I wasn’t).

evil cackle WB, you’re not in Travis county, are you?

You see, I’m in “ON CALL” status for jury duty here in Travis county and Austin. It would be too wild for me to end up on your jury. Oh, the stories I could tell them! evil cackle