I just got a terrific new job and I even get to move to the beach.

I think I need someone to pinch me. I wasn’t looking for work, but someone I used to work with called me out of the blue to ask if I was interested in a position that would require a move to Paso Robles.

I said yes and had the interview today. They offered me the job for a very healthy salary. I’m moving to that area within two weeks.

I drove in to Morro Bay and treated myself to a Bloody Mary and then Fish and Chips from Giovannis Fish Market.

I was in such a great mood after learning about the job that I was uncharacteristically talkative in my interactions with the bartender and the girl who took my fish order. They were all so nice and congratulatory. A complete stranger even told me that I looked “very pretty in my purple dress.”

So all in all, a great day!

Then I got in my car for the 5 hour drive home and had to pull over three different times because I was bawling my stupid head off.

Awesome! I like to hear good news. Why were you crying though?

Fab news! :slight_smile:

Love to read happy stories. Thanks for sharing. Just did a GIS on Paso Robles and it does look beautiful. Enjoy.

I think the tears were just a combination of the relief of actually getting the job and fear at another big change at the ripe old age of 63. Plus I’m going to miss my grandkids so much. We’re very close.

And I have so much to do in such a short time.

But it is good news, I could have said no.

Thanks you guys.

Congratulations! It’s warm in the summer. (100s on end. Drier than Houston, though) From where are you moving?

Many childhood memories at the Mid-State Fair there. And a few at Raisin’ Rhones, when that was still a thing. Fantastic Rhone variety wine tasting.

Woo Hoo!

Welcome to the 805!

What wonderful news! I love that you didn’t find the job; the job found you. I hope you get to FaceTime with the grands often, and with your great salary, you could always fly back to visit, right?

A new adventure awaits! Congrats!




It has been about twenty-five years since I’ve been in Paso Robles. I remember it as a nice, small wine country town. What kind of work will you be doing there?


Thanks everyone.

Maybe one of you local folks can tell me where to get the best oysters? Oh, and the best Bloody Mary. The one I had in Morro Bay was pretty decent, but I bet there’s better.

Technology has great ways to keep in touch w/ your grandkids, plus they can surely visit you in Paso Robles! I’m so happy for you, what a wonderful opportunity that you clearly earned.

Leaving the Sacramento area.

We just spent a wine weekend in Paso. Congratulations! Once you get settled in, you can have the grandkids come down for a stay, yah? I’m sure they would enjoy getting out to the water.